Ample of hair masks are available in the market suiting different hair types. Each of the brands boasts about being superior to the other one. However, each of the one on the shelves is an expensive option loaded up with some of the other chemicals. Well, if you are looking for an inexpensive and organic option, then making a DIY mask is the best option. In this article,wewilldiscussaboutthe10 best coconut oil hair mask to make at home.
Here are the top 10 best coconut oil hair mask to make at home.
Mask 1: Coconut Oil added with Rosemary and Avocado.
As the name suggests, the mask is made by blending avocados, coconut and rosemary leaves or essential oil. The avocado pulp or oil mixed with coconut oil offers the needed nourishment and hydration to the hair. While rosemary adds luster to dull hair.
Mask 2: Coconut oil added with Lemon and Honey Mask
This one is an all-time favorite for Indian households. And, even better it is very easy to prepare. All you need to do is to warm up coconut oil and add half a teaspoon of honey and lemon. Mix this concoction well and apply generously on the scalp. After an hour shampoo well. The lemon in the mask will help you get rid of itchy dandruff and honey and coconut oil will deal with the split ends and provide hydration.
Mask 3: Coconut and Egg Mask
This is going to be our favorite from the list of 10 best coconut oil hair mask to make at home. This mask promises the hair all the needed protein. All you need to do is to add an egg and a tsp of honey to coconut oil. Massage this concoction to the scalp and let it sit for an hour and then shampoo, This mask will make your hair smooth and damage free.
Mask 4: Coconut oil with avocado and egg
This mask offers 3 in 1 benefits to the users. The mask takes care of three hair problems Moisture, Shine and Anti-Breakage. Add half ripe avocado and one egg yellow in a bowl and mix well. Now warm the coconut oil. Add the warm coconut oil to the mixture of egg and avocado. Apply evenly to damp the hair and leave in for at least 20 minutes. Wash hair with shampoo and condition. The mask will amaze you with the shine, smoothness, and volume of the hair.
Mask 5: Coconut mask for damaged hair
This one will show its results over time. But for sure if you have patience this one will work wonders. All you need is coconut oil, Fiji exotic oil, egg, and honey. Add coconut oil to a bowl, mix a tsp of honey, one egg and four tsp of Fiji exotic oil to the bowl. Apply evenly and leave it for at least 30minutes.Shampoo and condition after the duration.
Mask 6: Nourishment Mask
As the name states then mask offers hydration and smoothness to your hair. All you need to do is to get some organic coconut oil and a ripe banana. Addtheseingredientsintheblenderandmix.Even better if you can add some coconut milk to the concoction. Apply this concoction evenly to the scalp and hair. Keep for at least an hour. Youcanevenkeepitforlonger.Shampoolateron.This mask will help your hair gain nourishment by locking the moisture.
Mask 7: Overnight Coconut Mask
This is the simplest out of the list of 10 best coconut oil hair mask to make at home. All you need to do is warm up some coconut oil and apply it generously in your hair overnight. Sleep with the oil in your hair and wash it in the morning. You will see amazingly shiny hair in the morning.
Mask 8: Hair Repair Mask
This mask proves to be an excellent remedy for damaged hair or treated hair. All you need is coconut oil and lavender oil. Add 1 tsp extra-virgin coconut oil and 7 drops of lavender essential oil in a bowl. Apply this mixture well to the hair and leave it overnight. Make sure to use a shower cap so that the linen doesn’t get spoiled. Wash in the morning.
Mask 9: Coconut and Aloe Mask
The ingredients for this mask are the most easily available out of the list of 10 best coconut oil hair mask to make at home.Allyouneedistoaddatspofaloeverageltothreetspofcoconutoil.Apply this mixture to the scalp, roots, and hair. Let the mixture stay for one hour and wash. Wash with lukewarm water to get shiny and drop dead gorgeous hair.
Mask 10: Coconut & Vitamin E Oil Mask
Tame your unruly and frizzy hair by using this mask. All you need is one tsp of extra-virgin coconut oil and half tsp for vitamin E oil. Mix these ingredients in a bowl. The coconut oil provides hydration and vitamin E offers hair the needed strength. Apply evenly and let it settle down for at least 30 minutes. Shampoo afterward.
Save cash while keeping chemicals out of your hair by turning to your kitchen the next time your hair needs some TLC. One of your best DIY bets? A coconut oil hair mask.
Read More: Beneficial Banana Hair Mask For Dull And Dry Hair