Sexual Harassment is one such problem of our human society for which to fight is surely not an easy way. At times, there come challenges especially when the person who harassed you is a known celebrity or you are a known celebrity who eventually becomes a victim. You don’t really have to make people believe in what has happened to you but what matters the most is how you deal with the situation. Let us not forget the fact that we live in a world where people can be with you in your good times but those same people may or may not be there in your bad times.
Remember, we live in a social media era. May be to visit the court and ask for justice is not the first thing you really have to do when the options like #MeToo Movement has been playing a dominant role. Now be that the case of Christine Blasey Ford who made the allegations against the Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh that reignited the conversation surrounding sexual assault or any such known topics, surely it is not just controversial but quite in deep for some people too. For some survivors to face the distressing situation has been quite annoying while those who believed in Dr. Ford’s testimony eventually came forward to speak with their friends and loved ones.
Sexual Harassment: Traumatized experience
As per the professional of psychology, it does not matter which known or unknown personality becomes the victim of sexual harassment, in the end, it is one traumatized experience that nobody literally, nobody wants to face. The impact of sexual assault can be quite stressful and it may put the survivors at high risk for the different illnesses. This can lead to anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and even adaptive behavior like heart diseases to name some. Even the research shows which were solely made for the states of America that every two minutes, there is a victim of sexual assault while more 63000 kids are the primary ones. If we keep on ignoring this ugly part of the society, then surely not all races can stand equally in the coming years.
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Known cases:
Listed are some of the known cases for a fact that it has happened to the celebrities whom we all have seen on screen.
Evan Rachel Wood

Evan Rachel Wood who surely is one popular Westworld star once revealed in the tolling stone through an email that she was a raped victim. Sadly, it was not once but twice. It was on two different occasions by the bar owner. This surely was good for her to open up to people as there are some fans who look up to the actor and the way she is now firmly standing can be the most iconic example for the people going through a similar experience. She believes that we humans now live in a time where people are comfortable to stay silent for quite a long time.
After she came out about this sensitive issue to her closed ones, there were some of the unexpected reactions Evan faced. Those whom she thought could turn to be supported were not really that supportive while some from whom she had the least of expectations really stood up to her expectation.
Alyssa Milano

The trend of twitter #MeToo movement started in the year 2017 and one of the known celebrity whose easily tweet surprised us all was from Alyssa Milano. She said that during her teen she was sexually assaulted but sadly, she did not then know whom to speak about it. After 30 years, right after the testimony of the ford came out, it was Alyssa Milano who also raised her voice. She told me that it took her lots of courage to be open about this crucial part of life. She told her closed ones after years about this experience while parents came to know about it after decades.
She further added that the thought her attacker is still roaming free without any guilt makes her feel more uncomfortable. She simply cannot do anything but only forget that his existence on earth is still there. She says it is not just her but most of the people going through situations like her faces. To tell the stories of harassment needs a lot of guts but the end result well is something one should least expect.
Cara Delevingne

With so many popular celebrities still talk about their successful career no matter what worst they must have seen till now, there are people like Cara Delevingne who came up and be open about the incidences that shook the life. Cara Delevingne talks about her young age challenges were for this young actress in 2017. She came up with her dark past on Instagram while sharing a motivation quite that stated you don’t have to be ashamed of the story. Rather it is time to inspire others and give them the support which only those who have gone through it can understand.
She further then explained her own encounter with Weinstein. In her accusation, she claims that it was Weinstein who forcefully not just kissed her but also asked her to kiss other women and then further added some inappropriate comments about her sexuality which surely shook her completely.
Amy Schumer

Don’t be surprised to know that Amy Schumer has also been the victim of such an unfortunate incident. While promoting her book, “The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo”, Amy in the year 2016, came up about the dark incident that hooks her life completely. According to her, it was her then-boyfriend who raped her when she was sleeping. She confronted about this to him as she loved him and knows that her story will never fit the definition of what people can call it rape. She further added that some people came up with the opening that we cannot call it the perfect rape.
After understanding her situation, the question that now comes is what exactly the perfect rape is. She further adds that people can only accept this situation when you have been raped rightly and then only can call you a perfect victim. This is nothing but a mere disappointment from society.
Rose McGowan

Rose McGowan is another well-known celebrity whom we have seen and known the most. Although in one of her original article given to Times, she is not speaking in-depth about the situation, she claims that she was also the victim of the incident. According to her, there was a settlement between Weinstein and Rose McGowan which took place in the year 1997 and which she also used as proof of Weinstein’s ongoing behavior. The incident points about the hotel room which was booked during the Sundance Film Festival. However, about the incident that happened with Weinstein, she spoke in detail on the same publicly on Twitter and also circulated a petition for dissolving the entire Weinstein Company. But she shall obviously expect the retaliation from the other side and unfortunately, her twitter account was then locked. This did nothing but a trigger if the new waver if anger on social media.
The incident which such celebrity goes through surely needs to be out for others to understand how strongly they have been fighting. Surely, if you want to make the best use of social media platforms then speaking up on such sensitive topics is needed which Rose McGowan did very well.
Lucy Hale

Lucy Hale is a well-known personality that gained her fame through The Pretty Little Liars. According to Lucy, she had been the victim of such an unfateful incidence of sexual harassment. In her post on 2018 which she shared on Instagram and Twitter, she said that she never knew what exactly is the sexual assault till the time she faced it on her own. In one of her later interviews, she explained in-depth about it. She further added that she was being taken as the advantage by many people. However, she did not take such an incident too personally and hence has got the courage to stand for her.
She first posted about her MeToo including on Instagram but later deleted and posted on twitter, She believes that if powerful people can come and open up it can at least give strength to those people who look forward to them as the motivation. This was her sole intension to share the story on social media.
Gabrielle Union

In the year 2018, the actress to Redbook revealed that she has been the victim of PTSD. It was then her well-known book tour We’re Going to Need More Wine where she spoke about the unfortunate incident she faced. According to Gabrielle Union 26 years ago, she was raped while there was a gun pointing at her. She was that time working at Payless Shoe store and was so shaken that she did not know what to do. During her speech at the book tour, there were many people who took a step forward to tell their own sexual assault stories.
She later added that she then realized it is much needed to get things piled up inside to be put sooner so that you shall get the hope and courage which you had lost during the incident. The horror was so painful in her life that she was triggered with PTSD and still depends on the life coach for the right support.
Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie is one of those A-listed celebrities who has been a favorite of many people. This academy award winner however has also been the victim of such unfortunate happening. Angelina Jolie though has been an activity for the causes she believes in but her experiences definitely changed her life. She only believes to share them so that she can protract and given strength to those who have been sailing on the same boat as her.
It is claimed that she was also the victim of Harvey Weinstein during her youth days. Because of which she never preferred working with him ever in the future. She even tried warning other celebrities about it. She further adds in her New York Times interview that she also faced similar kind of incident with Paltrow. She was not in a comfortable position to reject the man who was giving her a movie platform. She was being harassed in a hotel room by him during that time.
Lady Gaga

The popular across surely must be known for her weird styling but what she has gone through well, surely we all cannot even imagine. If you have been a Lady Gaga fan and heard her lyrics in one of her songs “Till It Happens to You”, you will realize what she has been trying to tell us all. The song basically she created to show how nuanced the aftermath of her survival was when she was raped at the age of 19 years. The lyrics also include a line You tell me it gets better, it gets better in time/ You say I’ll pull myself together, pull it together, you’ll be fine/ Tell me, what the hell do you know? What do you know?” which she put as a part of blaming the society for not relay willing to come up for the support.
Gaga further adds that she always been tainted on the way being dressed up but she believes that is her way of provocation as a person. After the incident, she was so shaken up that it took the time of therapies for her to heal from it and stand again.
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Gwyneth Paltrow

The actress is known for her work in iron man, surely is one of the popular personalities so far, it was surprising to see it coming from her that this Oscan winning actress had to face the same problem which many other popular celebrities faced. She opened about her incidence under Weinstein when she had bagged the role of the eponymous character in Emma, she further added that the executive asked her to his room before even the shooting started. Of course, the suggestion of Weinstein was then turned down by her immediately when he offered the massaged.