Parenting affects a child’s development. A single action of a parent can change a child’s behavior. Some children are grown up in different dramatical circumstances can later grow up to the same nature. Rather than children who grew up in a home with their parent love and affection can grow up to very different personalities as compared to the other children. Parenting styles include disciplines, nurture, communication style, control, and some maturity
There are four parenting styles. These styles were suggested by Baumrind, and the one more parenting style was further researched by Maccoby and Martin suggested adding this fourth style to the original three styles.
The Types Of Parenting Style Are:
- Strict parenting
- Orthodox parenting
- Lenient parenting
- Uninvolved parenting
- Strict Parenting :-This is the first style of parenting, in which children must have to follow the rules and regulation which were established by their parents strictly. One who fails to follow such rules would be punished. They direct them very little about what their children should do or what they must avoid.

- Orthodox Parenting:-The orthodox parents make rules for their children and expect them to follow. They expect a lot from their children but also provide them support and love towards their work. They keep expectations from their children as well as support them, which helps a child develop independence and self-control.

- Lenient Parenting:-The lenient parents have low expectations of self-control from their child. They have a bond of a friend more than that of a parent with their child. They generally nurture their children and are more communicative with them.

- Uninvolved Parenting:-An uninvolved parent is less responsive to their children and is having very little communication with them. They only fulfill their child’s basic needs and sometimes they only make sure that their child has shelter. Sometimes or in some cases. These parents reject or ignore the basic needs if their children.

These four parenting styles may not be the best style. Some other factors such as culture, social influences also play an important role in parenting styles.