Beer is an alcoholic beverage brewed from cereal grains which have many nutritional values. It is the third most popular drink preceded by tea and water. It is usually believed that alcoholic beverages can only damage our body organs but you will be surprised after listing that Italian researchers found that moderate beer drinkers had a 42 percent lower risk of heart disease compared to non-drinkers. We are talking moderate consumption (one drink per day for women (350 ml/ 12-ounces), and up to two for men). However, beer has many health benefits and can improve our overall health in a lot of different ways.

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Let’s know some benefits to drink beer in a moderate way ….
- It prevents cardiovascular disease in men over the age of 35 and women over the age of 45. Research has been proven that people who drank a pint of beer daily had a 31% reduced chance of heart disease. This heart-protecting power of beer stems largely from beer’s natural antioxidants called phenols.
- Beer, especially dark beer, contains up to one gram of soluble fiber in each 300 ml glass. Fiber plays an important role in intestinal transit (a fiber deficiency can cause gastric and intestinal disorders such as constipation or diarrhea).
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- Beer is good for stronger bones. The elevated levels of silicon in beer can contribute to higher bone density.
- Beer as a cure for insomnia Lactoflavin and nicotinic acid, which are both presents in beer, can promote sleep.
- Beer can keep bacteria from forming and growing on your teeth. The researchers tested the effects of beer extracts on the bacteria that form biofilm and promote tooth decay and gum disease.
- A flavonoid compound called xanthohumol is found in the hops commonly used in brewing beer. Which play a major role in the chemoprevention of cancer, including prostate cancer. It has been proven by researchers that beer is effective in fighting cancer.
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- Beer is high in potassium and magnesium, which results in a reduced risk of kidney stones. The silicon present in it is readily absorbed by the body to protect against osteoporosis.
- Water and alcohol both found in beer. Beer acts as a diuretic and significantly increases urination. This facilitates the increased removal of toxins and waste materials from the body, thereby reducing the risk of stones forming. Alcohol may also “increase the excretion of calcium,” the prime constituent of kidney stones.
- Beer helps prevent blood clots The ingredients in beer help prevent blood clots from forming.
Report: Dr. Himani