Our country is a land of great diversities and ironies. We Indians are born geniuses and we can put sense into any superstition defying all facts and if nothing, we back it up with mythology. Not so long ago our hon’ble prime minister displayed the same as he announced that the first organ transplant happened in India way before any civilization came into place and that transplant was none other than that of the head of Lord Ganesh. See! We Indians ooze with talent and could have been even better if we used it at the appropriate place. Before the rules we learn the loopholes. For us, it is more important to learn to drive a car before knowing about the brakes. We are so talented that we are more interested in someone else`s job as we know that our job will be taken care of by someone equally talented. In terms of Britishers, India was a land of Snake Charmers, Godmen, and Bollywood. Well it still is but now the Godmen have started acting and Bollywood actors have started preaching while Snake Charmers still don’t have a clue why they get dragged into it!!
For Godmen, Life is tough and rigorous where they get up early every afternoon only to be bathed by milk (which could have been used to feed thousands of poor kids) so that they don’t lose their glow (which anyways would be there knowing that they wake up richer each morning) to attend a few thousand followers who are in dire needs of path enlightenment (and have brought more cash to donate) and have been waiting for hours just to hear Guruji tell them about life and things (which their parents died screaming) and in return also get blessings in form of the milk that ran through the nooks and corners of the not so beautiful body of Guruji. And after the eventful day, both the speaker and the listener still have no clue how their life will be better. Only difference is that the speaker goes home with even more money. And in India, Godmen can be broadly put in two categories; one which is in jail and one which will be in jail.
On the other hand, Actors lead an even more struggling life where they fight it out to look good, romance beautiful girls, travel the world and what do they get in return? Just a few crore rupees, needless fame, millions of useless people spending their earnings and dreaming to see them, meet them and be like them. What a pityful life.
But no, as if it wasn’t enough, they both decided to screw up the mango people even more. Godmen anyway have been acting their whole life (Acting to look like nice and true people). Then why did they take it so literally that after Hiroshima and Nagasaki, we have to bear the largest and most lethal attack on mankind; The MSG series. How could Nostradamus or the Mayan calendar not predict this? But Bollywood is giving it back to them. We always have people like Amir Khan, kangana Ranaut etc, the flag bearers of right and wrong for the human race and if you mistakenly wander onto some religious TV Channel, there is a good chance that you will find some Ramayana and Mahabharata Serial Actors conducting the Satsangs.
So ultimately they are both beating the same drum that’s us the mango people of the nation. We the mango people, the blessed ones, we just have to get up every morning with the memory of the disastrous previous day in one part of the brain and the fear of another painful day in the other part. Then struggle to get to a place called the office where we work (save our ass) from morning to night every day for the whole life so that we can have comfortable life years and years later (which by the way is not even guaranteed) so that at the end of the month we get some money which we know will never be enough. And then in the rest of the time (which we never have) we are busy being played from both sides like the good old audio cassettes.
In India, keeping the common man as constant there is not much to differentiate between the other two. Both take us to a tour into an imaginary world and feast on our hard earned money and repeat.