After years of putting down
In words what all I felt
I wonder what started it all
And how else it could have been dealt
To clear up all the confusion
I came up with the conclusion
That I write in a certain situation
So here goes my observation
I write only when the sky is blue
Or when the winds are passing through
I write only when the clouds give rain
Or when I just don’t have a clue
I write when the sun shines bright
Or when the clouds turn the sky white
I write when the stars light up
Or when I see you in moonlight
I write when I shed a tear
Or when I can’t sleep because of fear
I write when I dance with joy
Or when I sense that you are near
I write when I feel some pain
Or when I pass through a narrow lane
I write when I miss the hills
Or when at your thought I go insane
I write when the train is late
Or when I get nothing from fate
I write when I feel adventurous
Or when you say yes for a date
I write when I hear a child cry
Or when the monsoons are nearby
I write when the fog comes down
Or when you act so sweet and shy
I write when the streets are quiet
Or when I get into a fight
I write when nothing works out
Or when I have you in my sight
I write when the Nightingale sings
Or when I find some old lost things
I write when it is dark outside
Or when your number on my phone rings
I write when it’s either day or night
Or when the heartbeats scale a new height
I write when I feel wonderful
Or when I think you are always right
I write only when the mountains call
Or when the lightnings from the sky fall
I write when earth moves around the sun
Or when between us there is no wall
So I have the answer to this mystery
And my heart feels so light and free
That I write only at all times
And specially when it’s for you and me
Also Read: Somethings in life never die; such are the memories of first love!!!