We find ourselves in relationships that make our life miserable more than to make us happy. Emotions and breakups are the two tools when brought up are complicated. To end up a relationship: relief, confusion, heartbreak, and grief are some of the perfectly normal reactions. You might have some uncomfortable feelings, even if things end in a healthy and productive way.
Experiencing a breakup is totally difficult and this is the best time to rebrand yourself. You can do whatever you want to do, do whatever you want to be, and try without having to take into consideration anything. Breakups are to lose someone in your life who was consistently in your life together. It can be easy to live on the past rather to look at what the future has in store for you. Hope you all do agree, right.
When you find yourself alone to get over a breakup, you may find plenty of people in the ditches of heartbreak right along with you. To cope up with a bad breakup, here are some of the tips that will help you to deal with them.
1. Keep the Comparison Game in Check
Never try to compare how you are doing with, how it appears your ex is doing or how you think you should be doing. Remember that comparison is the thief of joy.
2. Acknowledge Any Feelings of Withdrawal
Going through a bad breakup feels like a withdrawal since you no longer feel happy with your partner. Just think of the rush you made while falling on love. Breakups cause the opposite feeling, hence be patient with yourself and acknowledge that it is normal and human to feel absolute shit. Remember that this bad time won’t last for longer.
3. Let Your Friends know How They can help You
After a breakup, you might feel like you are being left alone so it is better for you to be around with friends. Friends are great supporters during this tough challenge and sometimes end up unintentionally looking like apathy. Let your friends know how they can help you better.
You can go with them to a party so that you need not go alone or you can ask them to join you for dinner at home this week since you don’t like to go out.
4. Make Self-Care Your Top Priority
Romantic rejection has been proved to cause real and detectable pain and hence take extra care of your body. Do some activities every day, get enough sleep, eat whole foods, and take a brisk walk to spark up the release of endorphins. Meditation and Breathwork are two free tools that help in relieving pain and can be done anywhere and anytime.
5. Keep your Thumbs in Check
Breakup can happen anytime, it can be on phone, but the echo of breakups can be found in Instagram, inboxes, and text message threads. You might feel bad when you come across your ex’s text thread or when the photo appears on Instagram. It is better to take time for a digital detox. Try to monitor the usage of your phone. Keep a back up of your photos and text messages and clear them from your phone. You will be surprise to see how the digital detox makes wonders for a broken heart.
Also Read: Cheating And Breakups In Relationship
6. Maintain a Journal
Set a time everyday to reflect your thoughts, feelings and goals for the week in your phone’s notepad or in a paper. Maintain a journal to keep a track of your thought patters and this will help in noting down your experience and ways to mend them. The benefit of doing so will enable your mindset a wonderful boost by noting down three things you are grateful every day.
7. Cultivate a Growth Mindset
Breakup doesn’t mean that you are doomed forever. It does not mean you should live alone for the rest of your life due to the end of this one relationship. Researches shows when you have a growth mindset as compared to fixed mindset, you bounce back faster when getting over a breakup. Have a clear idea of how you talk to yourself after the break up to keep a growing positive mindset.
8. Give Yourself Breaks From the Pain
It is important to give your brain a mental break by brooding over the past breakups. Try to distract your thoughts and keep your mind active in various other activities like going to a coffee with a friend, going out to see movie or talk to your loved ones to get some momentary relief. This is necessary during the initial stages of pain when you are prone to obsessive thinking.
9. Treat Yourself Like You Would Treat A Friend
When our friends come to us after their breakups, we tend to be rational, understanding and empathetic but we don’t do when we need it the most. Giving advices is easy but try to follow what you advice. This will help to put you in better prospective and help you to practice more self compassion and increase your self esteem. You are worthy of love and strong enough to get through anything when you advised your friend, so prove it?
Also Read: Why Breakups Are So Hard And How To Cope With Them
10. Recognize what you’re Learning
Whenever you love, you get to know your heart better. Whenever you have a breakup, your heart becomes a little stronger. This enables you to know what you want and who you are and this self-reflection is irreplaceable. Sit in silence and take your own time to hear the answers to these questions.
Every heart break has a silver lining and you should tune in to yourself and find out what is correct. You now have complete freedom to know what you are and your expectations in life. Tackle your emotions and let them motivate you forward in life.