Many studies indicate that eating more plant foods, like beetroot, decreases the risk of obesity, overall mortality, diabetes and heart disease and promotes a healthy complexion and hair, increased energy, and overall lower weight. Beetroot has been gaining in popularity as a new super food due to recent studies claiming that beets and beetroot juice can improve athletic performance, lower blood pressure, and increase blood flow. Beetroot juice is best for weight loss. It is full of Vitamin C, dietary fiber, nitrates, betanin, and folate. These nutrients can help you lose weight. The nutrients which present in beetroots are heat sensitive. The antioxidant contents are decreased after cooking beetroot. Beetroot is rich in Vitamin C which is a water-soluble vitamin that can be also destroyed by cooking. So drinking juice of beetroot is the best way of taking health-related benefits.
Is beetroot Juice Good for Weight Loss:
As it is naturally sweet-tasting, substituting fresh beet juice for a sugary drink, such as soda, can help reduce your added sugar intake, which can help with weight loss over the long term. Beetroot juice is crammed with healthy nutrients and small amounts of calories as one beetroot contains only 35 calories. One-half cup of beet juice contains only 9 grams of sugar. Diet high in added sugar can increase your risk of weight gain but beet juice contains essential minerals and vitamins with natural sugars. Beet juice is good sources of various nutrients. One cup of raw beets contains 58 calories,13 grams of carbohydrate, 9 grams of sugar, 4 grams of fiber and 2 grams of protein.
Beet juice is full of fibers a 1/2-cup beet juice contains 1.9 grams of dietary fiber. Dietary fiber helps you feels fuller with less food, leading to a lower calorie intake that helps with weight loss. Another characteristic of beetroot juice is its efficacy as an exercise supplement. Intake of beetroot juice helps to improve oxygenation of muscle during exercise. By this way, you can also fight with cardiovascular, respiratory, or metabolic diseases, because this disease occurs by the lack of oxygenation.
Article By: Dr. Himani