Aloe is one of an ingredient that everyone and everybody swears by as a cure fixer for all the beauty-related issue. May it be for growing your hair or healing those nasty breakouts.
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Aloe vera is much more than just a cute plant you have sitting in your garden. It has been used among many different cultures throughout history to address a myriad of concerns. Aloe vera is rich in vitamins, fatty acids and minerals and is packed with antimicrobial as well as anti-inflammatory properties which makes it a commonly used remedy for healing burn wounds and skin irritation.
Does It Regrow Lost Hair Or Make Them Thick
Now that we all are aware that aloe era has all the great properties in it, how exactly is it good for your hair is the question? The internet is full of stores with people raving about it but in reality, there are no actual studies on this, only personal anecdotes and traditional usage claims.
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The studies have which demonstrated the benefits of aloe on the skin and it is possible that it could help with the growth by addressing inflammation. It is more likely that aloe vera contributes to healthy hair because it conditions and moisturize the hair scalp and proper hydration is a must for healthy hair and a skin barrier.
How To Use It For Your Hair
we recommend using aloe vera on the scalp for skin benefits and on the hair as a mild cleanser to remove the excess oils and to make hair soft and shiny.due to its gel-like texture in its raw form, it acts as a mild cleansing agent so it would be best to use it on the scalp and hair then rinse off since it may feel sticky if left on hair.
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As for the hair type, look for conditioner for your hair type that contains aloe vera to get the benefits along with the smoothing or volumizing effect of the conditioner.
For How Long You Need To Put It On Your Head
how often you use aloe vera entirely depends on what you are using it for. But in general, we recommend applying a few drops of a liquid-based formula distribution evenly throughout the hair and scalp one to two times a day. Rinse after 20 min to an hour and follow it with shampoo if your hair feels sticky.
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If you are using the raw form, section our hair and apply evenly on the scalp and keep for 10 to 15 min. You can also go for various DIY which included aloe vera as the main ingredient. It can cause an allergic reaction or irritation in some people. if you find that your skin has turned red, itchy stay away from the product and consult a doctor, chances of this to happening is next to impossible but its no harm taking any precaution.
All in all, if you do not suffer from sensitive skin or allergic reaction to it, also can be beneficial if your goal is to make your hair scalp hydrated. will it make your hair grow faster or any thicker? Probably not but that still cannot deny the fact that it is a wonder plant on its own.