“Look at your sister; how she manages everything.”, “why are you so irresponsible?” etc, etc. These lines are living nightmares of kids. No one likes comparison, but many times parents do compare their eye candies. The motive behind comparing kids is that one wants to make their kids perform better than anyone else. That is because human beings are obsessed with the first position and no one remembers whoever is after that. The reason behind this good motive there is a lot of damage you might be causing to your kid. Kids have a sensitive heart and mind so often they don’t understand your motive rather they take it all wrong and in a negative way. Possible damages could be:
- Self-doubt
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When children get compared they tend to develop a feeling of self-doubt. They build a mindset that constantly makes them feel confused. They frequently ask questions to themselves like what am I doing is right? Am I not good kid? Will I be able to handle this? and many more. They believe that no matter what they do they won’t be better than the kid you compare them to.
- Hatred
Constantly being compared to others makes your kid hate that person. Obviously, that is because no one loves a person who is better than us. This is dangerous because when kids hate something or someone they will distance themselves from that particular thing or person. As a consequence, you will see a gap in your relationship.
- Stress
The pressure of being better causes stress. They would constantly try to be better and would do anything. While this could be a reason your kid starts smoking cigarettes at an early age. Stress is the root of various problems other than smoking it could lead to insomnia, drinking habit or intake of drugs. Every kid reacts to stress in its own way and most of the time it is not healthy.
- Suppressed talent
As everyone is blessed with some hidden talent which reveals according to time, chances are your kid never acknowledge his or her talent they may have. This would be merely because they would feel that you will compare them for this too.
Being a parent you should guide your kid towards a better future and not Artito become a pressure cooker. There are a lot more ways to motivate your kid other than comparing them. This would save your relationship with your kids and they would not turn out to be an average kid.
Article By: Arpita