Parenting is difficult but, parenting a boy is a challenging task as well. As we all know, boys are loud, notorious, active rambunctious. We should not lose our temper while parenting boys. Before having kids, we dream of a kid who is always busy with his books or silently playing with his blocks building a tower but every time it’s not like our dreams.
Boys are more aggressive, energetic, sporty, or physically active than girls. But not all boys are the same. Some of them are gentlemen as well. It’s all up to us and our parenting types. We should be calm and gentle while parenting, because as we all say that parents are the first schools to their children we can’t be aggressive or harsh to our children. As they learn whatever they see. We should always monitor our aggression while being with our kids and also keep a check over their anger and aggression towards things as well. We should keep our child away from violent video games or weapon toys because they directly or indirectly affect your kid’s brain.
Boys are generally more aggressive towards the games. They always take it as a challenge and always want to finish things in their favor. As the opponent is stronger they will put all their efforts and aggression into the game, whatever it may result. Not a single parent would love to see their child like that so; in that case, we should handle the boys with all the peace and love. People usually say that there’s no difference between males and females, but raising a guy child is not everyone’s cup of tea.
Boys in their childhood tend to build and manipulate toys, and on the other side, girls will take proper care of all the things. This is why we say, parenting boys is a tough task. There are 3 levels of growth:
- Birth to age 6 – At this age, the toddler does not worry. They are just committed to their studies. They are at a very learning age where they grow while watching their parents.
- Age 6-14 years – This is the age when the boys start growing up. They think of becoming men. They tend to be like their father. He becomes the role model at this age.
- Age 14 and over – In this age group, the child is a grown. He’s into his family now. This is the age when they start becoming mature. Parents need to step back a bit but, it’s their job to look over his company with whom he talks or be with.
Boys always should know that the one in charge is as they are under them. They should know what are the rules and what all will be enforced over them even in their teenage. Their parents are the ones who know how to love and value them just like anyone else. The best thing we can do while parenting a boy is to love them and show them that we do.
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