It is no secret that oily skin is difficult to manage. With open pores that can accumulate dust and pollutants makes it really difficult to have a proper skincare routine. The excess sebum produced by the skin can make it really difficult to keep it clean and safe from pimples. So, in this write up we have tried to collate best skincare tips of all time that work wonders on oily skin.
1. Cleansing is a lifesaver:
Believe it or not, if you are living with oily skin, cleansing can act as a lifesaver to you. Make sure you clear your face in the morning and at night using a cleanser. For oily skin, it is best to use a gentle foaming cleanser, or a gel-based one as it helps the skin to get rid of the excess oil that can lead to acne or pimples. If you have extra oily skin, then double cleansing is a great option. Double cleansing is helpful when you are using makeup. Never use harsh cleansers on oily skin as they can make the problem worse by taking away the natural oils making the skin overcompensate for the
loss of the oil by making it even more oilier.
2. Go Slow on the toner:
Toner is a very important part of skin care for oily skin. Instead of using a toner every day to control oil production, it is better to use toner once or twice a week. As a toner acts like an astringent. And you would know that astringents contain ingredients like alcohol, camphor peppermint or menthol. The use of these things can make the skin even more unbalanced. Astringent make the skin surface dry and cause the skin to produce more oil. So, it is always recommended to use a toner but in a subtle way.
3. Never give up on exfoliation:
It is a myth that oily skin would never be exfoliated. Make sure that you exfoliate your skin once or twice a week. This will help you remove the excess sebum and return that is collected in the open pores from the skin. So, your skin will make less oil rather than the usual. And, it could reduce the chances of problems like acne and pimples. But make sure you don’t overdo it scratch your face.
4. Pick the right makeup:
Oily skin needs makeup that makes them feel lighter instead of heavy. So always use makeup that does not make you feel heavy. When you are searching for makeup for oily skin use keywords like oil control, mattifying, gel, etc.. Never go to sleep with your makeup on that’s a golden rule even for oily skin. As this can harm your skin even more than the people with dry skin. As you would end up producing more and more oil on your skin.
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