Words like love, relationship, affection, infatuation seem very beautiful and tempting. Also, they are actually beautiful. There are many little and big things that make this feeling of affection in a relationship beautiful. Few starting years of a relationship go very smoothly. As everything is new, you as well as your partner is excited about the adventurous journey of exploring the universe of love, fantasy, and romance.
This is common in every relationship. The initial phase of it is very beautiful and satisfying. Another reason for it is that you and your partner still don’t know each other that we’ll. You are still in the process of learning more about each other, developing an understanding, trying to figure out actual things between you two. Everything around you is new to you. Thing generally losses their charm when they get old if they are not taken proper care. The relationship is just like that. If things between you worked out properly your relationship can work. You both can stay together as long as you wish after developing a good understanding of one another.
But this is not every time case. Many times people understand the real behavior of their partner after spending sufficient time with them. They realize the person they are dating or committed to is actually not fit for them. Your relationship may lack understanding or love between you two may vanish with time. You may not feel the same spark in the relationship with your partner. Either both of you or one of the partners may start feeling another unattractive. This the time where a beautiful relationship turns into suffering.
There us a lot to know about a relationship. No matter today how beautiful your relationship is with your partner anything can happen in the near or far future. We all know the future is uncertain. There many things you have to be prepared for accepting. Here is some brutal truth about the relationships you should know.
- You partner can get out of love at any time in future
You can never make someone stay in your life until and unless it’s their wish too. It is possible that you are having a romantic relationship full of love right now. But you cannot be sure about what comes next to you. Your partner may start losing interest in you. Or they may find someone better than you. They may find someone who supports or understand them batter. Your partner can find someone else who loves them more than you do. In this situation, they can feel the relationship with you useless and may move out of it.
It is not necessary that your partner can get out of love only when they will find someone else. This is not the situation every time. Many times your behavior lacks concern, irresponsibility, impatience, and none caring nature can also drive them out of love. You may not realize but getting out of love is a slow and gradual process only get the result of it all of a sudden. So yes, this is true that your partner can get out of love at any time and will only come to know about it when they are already gone.
- Misunderstandings can lead to a breakup
Arguments are very common in a relationship. What matters is how you solve the problem and bounce back to normal. But many times the problem might be solved from your side, they are still growing in your partner’s head. A failure in the relationship has many reasons behind it. If the bond was true and self-less breaking up isn’t easy for either of the partner. But it happens. When a person cannot take-up a load of expectations and arguments, they give up.
The most brutal truth of the relationship is a little argument or misunderstanding can break a beautiful bond forever. And the saddest part is, you cannot do anything about you. You will be helpless. In such a situation. Breakups are always hurting. Breaking of attachments gives pain. But this is the truth of a relationship.
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- Many times the compromise you do with yourself turn a relationship toxic

Yes, not always things will work according to you. Many times you have to choose between your own dignity and the relationship. And when you go for choosing a relationship over your dignity you feel disrespected and disheartened. The frustration inside you can bring adverse situations for your relationship in the future for which you made a compromise today. Many times you have to put yourself down even you do not wish to. Otherwise, everything will get destroyed. The love you have in your heart for your partner can become your weakness. It may make you work against your general behavior. You may not be happy with the changes happening in your life but somehow you manage with them as you don’t wanna lose the other person. But this kind of compromise is not always healthy. You can start feeling low about love and life. Also, it can affect your daily activities mentally as well as physically. Not all relationships are good for you. The brutal truth about the relationship is that it can turn toxic to you anytime.
- Long-distance is very obvious
When to start a relationship, you never think of being in love still staying apart. Long-distance is the toughest part of a relationship. Many people give up on the relationship after getting into a long distance. Be prepared for it. Either today or tomorrow this phase will come into your relationship when you can no more see your partner each day. Possibly your partner or else your buddy schedule will stop you from talking for hours dAily. You will find no one around you when you need your partner to hold on. You have to put sexual activities of romantic life in a hold as your partner is miles apart from you. You will find no one around you to celebrate your joy and wipe off your tears when you are upset. You will miss a person like a hell but you can not do anything about it. This is the situation where you will find helpless in love. Actually, you have everything with you but nothing is around you. Your everything is sitting miles apart from you. The journey of long-distance is never easy. Either you or your partner can give up any time. Be prepared for the pain of separation you have bear being in the long-distance relationship.
- Relationships can affect your career
You may be aware that your mind can work efficiently when your heart is happy at its place. Your emotional instability can hamper your mental stability. A failure in the relationship will directly affect your work efficiency. Lack of concentration or unwillingness to do work is not at all healthy for your career. You may stop getting new and innovative ideas as your heart and mind is always engaged with the thoughts of the person who left you all alone. Your career is at risk if you were true in a relationship that does not work out.
Not only breakup is necessary. Your extra information towards someone can also become a problem for your professional life. Their thoughts will never leave your mind vacant to think anything else. If You constantly miss your partner, you cannot focus on your work and hence your career is at risk. It is very true that a relationship is not healthy for your professional life until and unless you have the aesthetic of creating a balance between things and segregating what is necessary.
- Not everything is meant forever
The most important thing you should understand is not everything is meant forever. This is the most brutal truth of a relationship. Your partner can leave you at any point in time. Even if it wasn’t their wish too. Many times destiny takes away your love from you. The situation can get worsen beyond your expectations. Life is uncertain anyone can leave this world at any time. No one wishes to leave their loved ones behind then it this is destiny. If the love for your partner is genuine. Their leaving will hurt you to the deepest. You have to be brave to accept what comes to yours. Separations are painful and tough to accept.
- Everything will not go smooth forever as it is today
Every relationship will come with certain problems and limitations. The thing which seems smooth today can turn rough another day. With time circumstances may change. Your relationship may lose that spark. In the being ever relationship goes very smoothly like you and your partner are meant for each other, you may feel an awesome understanding between you two. But after some time arguments and insecurities will start creating a space for them. This is where the smooth start turning in to rough. You will have to face many problems. Ups and downs are part of the relationship which you cannot avoid.
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- You may give your hundred per cent and still lose hold on your relationship.

The worst part of a relationship is when you lose everything even after giving your one hundred percent effort. The brutal truth about the relationship is it is a two-way journey where both partners have to play the equal part. You alone can not take up the whole burden. Efforts are required from both sides equally. Even if you give all your efforts your partner can lose interest in you and leave at the point of life where you needed them most. This can break you but have to accept it and come out of it.
- Financial stability matters
If you are planning a long term relationship where you wish to get married to your partner, your financial status matters. You have to financially well off to afford you as well as few expenses of your partner. You cannot completely depend on your partner to take care of finance you have to make contributions from your side too. Money can become a problem in your relationship. The brutal truth about the relationship is that your financial status has a great impact on your relationship.
Relationships and not always easy and smooth. They have many ups and downs included. The best and most important thing you can do for yourself is to be ready to accept everything that comes to you. But the brutal truth about the relationship is being prepared for the works and things are extremely uncertain.