Going to the gym is not everyone’s first choice. For most of the people, it is the last forced option. Initially, people go to the gym with the motive of weight loss which later turns into bodybuilding and many other options. But what about those people who wish to lose weight but hate going to the gym? those people for whom gym is no less than a hell? Good news is there are many other options for those. Instead of spending time and money into something you hate, try replacing it with something you would enjoy.
The replacement of GYM could be :
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Fast music and people enjoying while grooving on it. This is what Zumba is all about. It is a fun way to exercise without even the realization of a workout. Zumba helps in burning calories and fat, improves mental health, keep the person fit as their whole body moves, improves social connections as you join up you meet new people who share at least one common interest and many more benefits.
- Aerobics
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Don’t confuse yourself Aerobics with Zumba! These are very similar yet there is a difference. Zumba is a dancing workout which does not focus on any specific body part whereas Aerobics focuses on muscle strengthening. So when you do Aerobics it strengthens your muscles, improves metabolism, reduces the risk of heart diseases and also helps you fight depression and anxiety.
- Dance Class
If you love dancing then join any form of it. Dance classes not only serves the physical benefits but also much of the mental health benefits. It helps in fighting depression, reduces mood swings, reduces anxiety and also boosts the self-esteem of the person. - Playing any SPORT
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PLaying any sport is beneficial yet addictive. Remember the time as a kid we use to have a sports class (p.t period) we all use to play the sport we like cricket, football or badminton. Just like those days make a routine to play your favorite sport and earn the perks of it.
So, guys, you can lose weight by various means. It is not necessary that you can lose weight only by going to the gym.Article By: Arpita