What is difference between bad breakups and good breakups

When you are fighting through with a break-up, whether it is from a good relationship or a bad one, it becomes really hard to find out what will make us feel better. But remember always that the tough times are only temporary.
Breakup sucks, but some time they become a part of life. Relationships go on smoothly only when both people are happy. The relationship should never be considered as a compromise.
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What is the best Way to Breakup with someone?
It is never easy to break up with someone you truly love. Break up with someone can be as hard as being ditched in. You might be worried about hurting the feeling of your partner, or you may feel sad about the breakup even though you think that it was the right thing to do.
Relationships work on smoothly when both people want to be in them together. Staying in a bad relationship that you do not like anymore is not healthier either for you or your partner. To keep yourself in a relationship which both of you do not like to stay on, is only going to hurt you and the better it is to end it. Even if it is hard, it is better to be honest in relationship and break it as far as possible.
No magical words can make your breakup easy or painless. Make your breakup suck less by being honest, straightforward and express your feelings. If you do not know what to say, just take a pen and write down your feelings and the reason of break up and give it to your partner. Your friends and family members too can give you advice in this matter.
Being honest in a breakup might make you very hard as you respect the feelings of your partner and don’t want to hurt it. You need not give a valid reason but your partner will wish to know as to why you are ending the relationship. You should be prepared to answer your partner. You can compliment your partner saying that he is a great person but cannot move on together now or you can say you like your partner but don’t feel ready to be in a relationship right now. You need not go into much detail and you need not lie.
You might find various bad ways of breaking up with someone. Some people think that it is more respectful to do it in person and not over text or in social media. Convey the news of breakup with your partner yourself and not through your friend. It would be selfish on your part if you do so, hence face the person yourself.
Acting rudely or distantly will give a ‘hint’ to your partner, but that will only make things harder, painful and confusing. Not replying to the texts, just stop talking or hanging out without giving a reason is an uncool way to end a relationship.
Breaking up with someone is not a great idea but then keep trying to hang out or hook up with them when you are not interested is not good in an ideal relationship. You are sure to miss them and this can be tempting and can lead the other person on and might make them think that there’s a hope of getting back together. The best thing is to make it clear that the relationship has ended and give each other some space while you heal the pain of breakup. If you think that breaking up with your partner is unsafe since it might hurt you, it is better to talk with your partner in front of adult you trust completely so that they help you to stay safe.
How to deal with the Situation when your Partner breaks up?

A broken heart really hurts but time hurts all wounds. How much time it takes to get over is different for every person and every breakup.
You might have cared a lot for your partner and had good memories from your relationship however bad the relationship was. You can do whatever you need to do like listening to sad music, crying, going for a walk or running, meet your friends or write in a book. The feelings are hard to go through but with the passage of time you will surely recover. Never feel bad about yourself. Since this relationship broke up does not mean that there is something wrong with you. Don’t lose your patience and keep your mind in high spirits.
Talk to your friend who really cares for you and would listen to you and be willing to help you. Of course, friends can help you in such situation and can be a great source of support to you but don’t forget about your parents. You may feel awkward to say this to them, but they might have got a lot of experience in this regard. They know how it feels when it hurts and it is their job to take care of you when you are sad and let them help you.
After a breakup with your partner, it is normal to be really mad with your partner. Remember not to post anything about your partner in social media as this can lead to major drama and end up embracing you. Once you post, it will be online forever. If you are feeling angry then reveal it to your friends and family members privately. To overcome the feeling of breakup, you can involve yourself in doing something creative or physical work like playing music or exercising.
People sometime prefer to remain as friends with their partner but it would be really hard and confusing situation for you. It is not a good idea to hook up with your ex partner after having a breakup. You might feel that being friends with your partner is easy when you miss them but in the long run it makes the situation worse. Try to overcome your feeling for your partner and try to unfollow them.
Some people get involved in new partner after a breakup and get healed up completely. You might feel better in the moment by crushing on someone else. If you have feelings for your ex-partner then it is sure to impact your new relationship and also unfair to the new partner. Remember it is always better to heal up from your old relationship before entering into new relationship.
After a breakup it is natural to be normal and okay. In case you are depressed from a breakup that affects your activities, grades or fried relationships, then talk with a counselor or therapist. You can also take help from your parents, doctors, etc.
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What Counts as Cheating?
People have different opinions about cheating. It is up to you or your partner to decide the meaning of cheating in relationship. You need to talk honestly with them and set limits where you feel comfortable with.
Some of the things that you do, can be counted as cheating are:
1. To hide or lie about the thing you are doing
2. Feeling guilty of doing the work.
3. You never want your partner to do it.
4. You have a strong feeling that your partner will be upset, if they found it.
Cheating or breaking the trust of your partner can be painful and have long-term effects on your relationships. Thinking of cheating or wanting to cheat means you no longer need to be in the relationship. Breakup does hurt the feelings of the partner and is less hurtful than cheating your partner behind their back. It is an abusive behavior to cheat your partner and continuously lying to them.