Friendship! Well, how many of us know its meaning and value. As time passes by our childhood friends become just an acquaintance while your college friends become our life. This we cannot say it is fair or not, but one thing is for sure and that is the friendship bond if is stronger than location or time constraint will also not matter. Though we get connected to our college friends and hang out more with them this is also true that we are more bonded with our school friends. Are you wondering how? Then given things can clarify you well.
Value of Friendship
But before we move on to understand the reason why childhood friends are precious than college friends, we should first understand the value of friendship. It does not matter where you guys met. The moment when you got clicked and connected, you surely need to be with them in all thick and thins. Human nature cannot always be predictable. Maybe you guys will quarrel someday and may not even want to see each other face. But remember, the moment passes by. Instead of regretting later, it is always better to mend things than it. This way at least you can rest assured that you guys will never be separated. Cherish the happy moments you spread. Because the lifestyle that was living up these days surely will make you guys apart for time being.
Also Read: Friendship Is Valuable, Let’s See Why You Should Value Your Friendship
Why Friendship Matters The Most Over Other Relationships?

When you meet some special people in your life with whom you tend to spend more time than your family then probably, you must respect them and treat them special with care. Here it is spoken about friendship which is one such relationship in our lives that not just helps us grow but also supports us when we fall. We may not be open to our family on certain issues but we can always look up to our friends. We may not be able to throw the frustration that we have for our parents but in front of friends, confession becomes easy. Friendship is that space in our life which if we don’t have; probably we shall start losing ourselves. Make sure you don’t let that happen with yourself or anyone else. Precious relation like having friends is a sign of being lucky. Every relation in some or other way is made by others but friendship is that family which you make.
The Reason Why Childhood Friends Are Better Than College Friends
- Growing Up Together Was Always Fun
See each other from kindergarten till growing in school was never so much fun and easy as your friend must have done it for you. As time passed in this phase, the friendship grows strong too. You can call friendship a wine which more gets older tastes better. Spending quite a long time, doing nothing, playing around, watching some great movies is what we friends often do at our tender age. That age when we learn to take our name, that age when we don’t even know what sorrow means is beyond getting a broken doll. That is the time when your childhood friend has been with you. They in a way were part of your growth too.
- Partners In Crime

Do you remember the first time when you bunked your school? Pretty sure, it was with your bestie. Or may the time when there was raining quite a lot and instead of using an umbrella, you went out to enjoy the rain with your friend. After that both attended school for two weeks, thanks to falling sick. Well, these are the times, when your school friend was with you. It was your first experience which probably you might not have done with your college friend. There is a word in the Hindi language’ Chuddy-buddy’, it means the best of friends from being kids during the transition from diaper to an undergarment. Such a person shall always stay close to your heart and will always be irreplaceable.
- No Hard Feelings
You guys become friends at such a time when you did not even know what the competition means. It all included a healthy one. There might not have had been any kind of gang rivalries which in college is quite common. Always you shall fight for scoring better or at least being passed in school than your friend. And even if your friend topped, you never felt bad but rather you guys were equally happy. In college, things change. If we don’t score well, we are being judged. Suffice it to say time changes the perception too. There might be some good college friends in your life. But let us not deny the fact that school friends never had hard feelings for you neither were judgmental.
Also Read: How You Can Find That Someone Is Your Best Friend
- Be It Success Or Failure-Everything For The First Time
Whether it was your team won the cricket match or you guys got punishment in the class for the first time, it was your friendship that made you both be with each other in success or failure. Everything you guys did in your schooling time was together. In college more than doing things together, you guys spent time more one other that is why you feel connected. But in school, you guys get connected more and more whenever you go through the phase and your friend is with you at that time. Even if it eventually becomes a memory but the fact remains the same, your school friend was with you for all your first time.
- Secret Keeper

Whether it was the first time you fell in love with someone or you desired to be a billionaire someday with strategies no one knew but your friend, your secretes were always safe. Let us not deny the fact that you always wanted to tell your secrets to that close and dear one to you whom you trust and know that your secrets will always be in the safe hands. Surely, when it is a confession, college friends may not necessarily be your rights or the first choice over the school friend who is still in touch with you. In school, your friend knew about school, your dream, and your desires and was always proud of you. In college, things may change after you reveal any of your secrets. There is a huge difference between the two perceptions which is why childhood friends are always better than that of college friends.
- Being Loved And Cared
Today time has changed so much that busy living has made it difficult for you to live. Of course, being with college friends can be bliss in such a hectic schedule. After all, you guys can have some stress free conversation. But those were the school days when you guys never wanted the time to ease out your stress but simply to play. You were loved and career unconditionally. Attachment between you guys happened without any reason. In that case, if you compare your relation with college friends, you will realize how much huge difference it is.
- Better Understanding

You simply were not with your school friend because you guys had some kind of give and take relation. Rather, it was only an understanding and a thread of trust which you guys shared. When you guys were in school you never had to beg for their homework or ask their help. They would just solve it without you even initiating it. For you guys simply to see each other in and out was never a challenge. You guys knew each other dark side and past too. To be with each other in good and sad days was what you people always had been doing when you were in school. The compatibility level that you guys shared with your school friends than your college friends will always grow strong and thick no matter what.
- A Selfless Bonding
When you guys must have met in the nursery school, you guys were sitting on the same desk or maybe from the first class, you guys were with one other. This made bonding with each other more and more string. Be it the school time or the college, the bonding that you share with your friends can be seen differently. Maybe in school, you always end up making friends without any hidden agenda. But in college along with maturity comes the agenda as well. Be it the monetary reasons or some logical reason, college friends are made for some purpose. But the selfless bonding which you share with school friends is altogether a different one which of course no one can understand except for you two
- A Comfort To The Next Level

Be it sharing the same bed for so many nights or simply hanging clothes in front of each other, the comfort level that you guys shared with your school friend and that of the college friend was of course quite different. You have seen your school rind getting a scolding from parent and teacher, laughing at times, and even treating them special on the big day but when it comes to the college friends, things are different. You take time to get adjusted with one another. The comfort level which you guys share may not be that open which with your school friends had.
- A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed
We all know this popular phase and needless to say that it has always been the best match for the people we knew from school. Of course, college friends if chosen wisely turn out to be the genuine one for us too. But school is the time when bonding becomes precious than anything else. That is why; your friend till the end would fight and love you selflessly. We learned things in school about friendship and when we look at the person next to us sharing the same vibe, we realize that is the real friendship. And that next person sharing our bench was no one then your school friend. We often don’t end up realizing that every single person whom we met has necessarily been your genuine friend. But in school the situation is different and so are the people around you. They are, in a way, true friends who can always be on your side as a support pillar.
This overall doesn’t mean that every friend can turn out to be self while school friends will be the selfless one. But one may make a good friend in college but the school friend that shares the bonding is a different one. You sue to feel proud when in front of the entire class; your friend called you the best friend. It is time that you cherish this friendship always. If you guys haven’t been in touch from long after school, then dial their number or drop a text to them asking for their good health. They are in the end the most important part of life and of course, you don’t want to lose such precious gems that made your childhood so memorable.
Look around you, people are now trustworthy or not, you cannot be even sure. But one thing you know that friends whom you met in school will always be worth your trust and you shall never leave your side no matter how much bad phase you are going in your life.
Also Read: How Friendship Changes Over Time
Final verdict
You are at a stage where you are now completely aware of not just friendship but also how childhood friends knowingly or unknowingly make a special place in our hearts. It is more important that you focus more on maintaining every friendship that you have made. Try to listen and be more communicative. Understanding and honesty are two important things that can help your friendship lasts for long. But see to it that if you guys have to separate ways due to unavoidable reasons, at least you are in touch with one another through technology or social media platform.