When the countrywide lockdown to combat COVID-19 was declared, several things changed. The work burden increased for the housewives. The man being at home all day means continuous demand for cooked food and other household chores. Being cooped up in homes for 24*7 is also a rise in domestic abuse and violence. According to the latest report, Domestic violence cases have been risen up in India. The national commission of women NCW has received more than 58 complaints through e-mail during the corona lockdown. The lockdown in India has seen an increase in the number of domestic violence cases. Husbands venting out their frustration on wives, who have no escape from the abusers.

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The eeriest and clear impact of the lockdown has been a rise in domestic violence. A rise in domestic violence literally increases the risk to women’s lives during this lockdown period. Women are battered by frustrated partners and being threatened to be kicked out of the house if they fell sick. With schools and workplaces shut due to coronavirus, women and girls in abusive situations have no respite. The lockdown imposed to flatten the intimate partner’s violence curve. In India, it is incredibly hard for women to speak up openly even under the most supportive condition.

The corona lockdown increases the work burden of the household for all the families. In India, the lives of middle-class families run on the backs of a bunch of service providers such as maids, drivers, dhobi and small vendors who bring essential goods right to the doorsteps. This whole apparatus is now disrupted, as the homes are resisted with increased work burden because the service providers are in lockdown too. For those of us who might be wealthy enough to be in families that share the responsibilities. It is difficult to imagine the effect of a sudden rise in work burden on the mental and physical health of women. For those with secure jobs and a regular salary, lockdown could be a great way to pay attention to their creative sides.