One of the most trying times in a relationship is when one partner feels that their significant other doesn’t love them or isn’t really committed to them. This insecurity can come from a variety of different reasons. One source is the feeling that your partner may be with you only out of obligation, while another could be that they are disappointed in your lack of commitment to them and their life.
This post will discuss how to deal with insecurity in a relationship, including things such as journaling about thoughts you have about your partner and provide tips on what you should do if you’re experiencing an unrealistic fear that they are going to leave you or cheat on you.
Are the thoughts based on the ground reality?
The first thing you need to do is figure out whether or not your thoughts are based on reality. If you’re constantly having thoughts about your partner with other women, it’s possible you’ve picked up on something that isn’t even there. What some people don’t realize is that your emotions and intuition are extremely powerful tools, especially when it comes to relationships. They can sense when something just doesn’t seem right in their gut, and then they work hard to bring those feelings out through our thinking mind. For example, if a guy walks by your girlfriend who is out with her friends and he gives her a goofy smile, that smile may be innocent in nature but it could trigger feelings of jealousy in her. She may actually be thinking about whether or not he likes her or what his intentions are towards her. If this were a real issue, the girl would probably be acting differently (such as avoiding him) because she would want to avoid any suspicion and distrust that he has towards her.
If you’re having thoughts like this about your partner, it’s important for you to realize that they are not necessarily based on reality. You may be coming from a place of fear or insecurity. What you need to do is get yourself back to reality. You need to start examining your life with your partner, looking for things that show how much they love and care for you. For example, have they been sacrificing time out with their friends and family so they can spend more time with you? Have they been compromising on things that are important to them so it makes things easier on you? If the answer is yes, then it’s obvious they love you and really care about the relationship.
What are the good qualities of your partner?
One way to deal with this kind of insecurity is through writing down all the good qualities about your partner in a journal. For example, you can make a list of why you love your partner and what they bring to the relationship. Even if you think that your significant other doesn’t love you as much as they should, it often helps to write down the reasons why you love them anyway. It doesn’t matter if what you’re writing is true or not; the point is to come from a place of unconditional love for them. In addition, it’s important to remind yourself of all the good qualities that your partner has. It might be that they’re not the easiest person to be around, but in the most cases, it’s because they’re trying to compensate for something. Once you can identify that something is bothering you, then it’s time for you to look inward and ask yourself what is really bothering you about your partner. The best way to deal with this kind of insecurity is through journaling, writing out all your thoughts and feelings about what is causing the discomfort in your relationship.
Talk about the issues with your partner
If there are real issues with the way your partner thinks or behaves, then what you need to do next is set up a plan of action so that you don’t end up hurting them or stepping on their toes when working through problems. This can be done by carefully thinking through what you want to say before confronting your partner. For example, some people are so negative that they don’t realize that the things they’re saying could really hurt their partner. Other times, they have a hard time communicating because they’re afraid of conflict or rejection from their significant other. The same thing goes for the behaviors in your relationship; sometimes you may need to set up a plan of action so that both parties can agree on what is going to happen next, such as setting up auditing in their computer or phone or sliding their office drawer open in front of them when they come home one day when you know something is off about them.
It’s important to remember that all relationships struggle at one point or another. By being honest about how you feel and communicating with your partner in a positive way, you can show them that you can be trusted and that they are not alone in the relationship. It will take time and work to get there, but your relationship should flourish into something beautiful if you can be patient with each other.