We all love our children very much and try to show them our love every time we can. But there are times when we seem to fail in making them feel our love and affection. These are the times when our children are upset or need our love more than any other time. So we must use different love languages for children at these times. Each and every child in this world is different and has its own way of showing love. Some show their love verbally or some show them by physical touch or doing something special for us.
Here are some love languages for children to help you show your love to your children more affectionately.
1. Give Them Hugs Or Handshakes
There are some kids who like to show their affection physically rather than verbally like a small child of four to five years climb on his father’s back as soon as he comes home after work. These types of children prefer a physical touch more. So parents must start keeping the habit of giving goodnight and good morning hugs to their children, offer them to sit on their laps while talking with them, give handshakes every time they do something good.
2. Give Them Gifts More Often
Children of any age like to get surprising gifts from their near and dear ones especially their parents. They feel our love through our provided gifts. Keep a habit of surprising your kids with gifts more often. These gifts need not be expensive, it could be as simple as a flower or a handmade card but it must make them feel your love. And as a good parent, you must give your kids gifts according to their age, a present which may be useful to them in some way.
3. Create A Habit Of Talking With Them Regularly
For some children who speak sweetly, you need to show your love verbally more rather than presents or hugs. They show you their love by complimenting you, so you need to appreciate them every time they do something good. It will make them feel good and encourage them to do good things in their lives ahead.
These are some love languages for children that may definitely help you to interact more affectionately with your children.
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