DIY projects always allow us to be more creative and self-dependent even about the critical equipment like gym devices. Athletes mostly prefer to practice their gym session with proper gym devices but what if they can’t have them any near due to being stuck at home in lockdown? Well, this lockdown has taught us several good things about being at home, and making some usable gym devices through some easy DIY process is one of those kinds. This habit brings us the facility of having professional gym training at home without paying much price like original fitness equipment.
4 DIY Fitness Equipment Projects for Outdoor Athletes Stuck at Home:
Outdoor gym devices always a great choice for athletes for their hectic gym sessions, but having them at home is not a minor thing due to the high price of such products. Now, won’t that be great to make your DIY fitness equipment for those athletes, who stuck at home but want to practice their gym session with professional touch? Here we come up with the best 4 projects in this regard to make your gym session more sweating than ever you’ve imagined-
1. Kayak Balance Trainer:

What Is It?
This is one type of gym device made in the form of the Pauma nook paddler that people use to improve their thigh muscles stronger with heavy paddle performance. This kind of device helps to stimulate kayak padding and thus it is called kayak balance trainer.
Supplies You Need:
- One 1 ̎x15 ̎ table top disc, cut in half
- One 2 ̎x6 ̎ wooden board, cut to length
- One 2 ̎x4 ̎ scrap board piece
- One 2 ̎x4 ̎ piece of plywood
- 2 pieces of 6-8 in. long old tire
- A handful of screws
- Woodcutter machine
- Wood glue
- Drill machine
How to Build It:
- If you bought the wooden pieces in whole then, cut them in half using an electric wood cutter machine according to the measurement we have mentioned above
- Cut out 4 in. a layer of wood from each disc depth-wise to set the long wooden piece inside that gap accurately
- Take half of the disc and set one piece of tire on its back edge with the help of wood glue
- This rubber-base layer will ensure that the balance trainer won’t be misbalanced during your paddling period
- Now, take that long piece of wood and set one o fits side within the gap of one disc that we have taken out in 4 in. depth
- Secure the setting with screws and repeat this process with the other side of that long piece along with the rest half-disc
- After this, take 2 ̎x4 ̎ scrap board piece and set the similar size plywood on its back
- Finally, Set the scrap board in the middle of that Kayak balance trainer, sit on it, and keep practicing your paddling exercise with a refreshing outdoor schedule with this wonderful DIY fitness equipment.
2. Climbing Pegboard:

What Is It?
This is one type of fitness board made of a sturdy form of a wooden board with lots of holes in it, where you can insert pull up stands and act various muscle exercises.
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Supplies You Need:
- One piece of long brood in (1 ̎x3 ̎) x 9 size
- One pine in (1¼ ̎x4 ̎) x 2 size
- One plywood piece with 12mm (9 ̎x4 ̎) measurement
- 1½ in. wall plugs
- Wood glue
- Metal screws in different sizes
- Masking tape
- 1 5/16 in. dowel
- Polyurethane
- Power drill
- Scrape paper
- Clamp
- Pensile
- Scale
- Ladder
How to Build it:
- First of all, cut two equal size pieces from one long pine with the measurement of 3 ft. long and 9 in wide
- Then smoothen the surface of the large pine with a scrape paper before going to the next step
- Now put the pine on your work board and draw two lines over the board to divide the overall portions into 3 equal divisions
- Try to use a scale to make those lines accurate and then, make some dots over those lines maintaining the perfect distance from each other
- Now turn the dots into similar size circles and you can use a geometrical compass to make the circles perfect
- Use a woodcutter or power driller to cut the inside portions out and make similar size holes
- Once the holes are made properly, place another similar piece of pine and stick them together with wood glue
- Get the plywood piece and set it behind the bar that you have made by sticking two pines together
- The plywood piece would work as the base of your pegboard when it would be prepared
- You can use either one or two plywood base for your pegboard, depending on your body weight, as the base should be more sturdy when you have a bigger torso
- Once, everything is done, cut out the dowel into two pieces and start practicing on the board after setting it on a perfect outdoor spot, best for such DIY fitness equipment.
3. Bike Roller:

What Is It?
Bike roller is another wonderful fitness device that is used to practice cycling on a single board in indoor or restricted outdoor areas.
Supplies You Need:
- 2 wooden beams with 4 ft. length and 3 in. width
- 2 wooden frame in 2½ ft. length and 3 in. width
- 3 logs with a measurement of 2 ft. long in 4 in. wide
- Some metal screws and nuts
- One piece of half wooden disc
- Nails
- Rolling tape
- Pencil
- Saw
- Electric woodcutter
- Power drill
- A piece of scrap paper
How to Build it:
- Take 4 wooden beams and set them properly to make a perfect rectangle frame out of them
- Use as many nails as you want to make the rectangle sturdy enough for a perfect bike roller base
- Now, take one piece of log, set it on your work station, and make a 3in. the deep hole inside the log with the help of a power drill machine
- Arrange one set of screw and nuts inside that hole and apply this process on the other side of that log similarly
- Once you make the log with the inserting pints on both sides set it aside and repeat this process with the remaining logs properly
- Then, place one of these logs on the front side of that premade frame and two on the back portion incised that rectangle
- Set them tightly with the help of those screw points and make sure you have maintained a proper distance between first-two logs set on that frame
- Take the wooden disc, cut out in a layer in the form of half moon with ½ in. depth from that piece and smoothen the inside gap with scrap paper
- Make a device you can see in the video using the disc as the base along with a set of a wooden clog our of two thick circles made of logs
- Make a 2-in. the thick line on one corner of that log, you put in that frame on the front position of that frame
- Cut that portion out with a machine and smooth the gap with a scraper to make the place for a rolling tape
- When we set one log on the beginning and two logs at the end of that frame, we have at least a gap of 2-2½ ft. empty place between them
- Put that device you have made from wooden disc exactly beside the first log and make sure you place it on the side where a thick layer has removed from the log
- Set a roller tape over the circle on that device and inside that gap of that log to make a facility of rolling tool in that frame like the chain-system in a bicycle
- Once you have set those items accurately as we mentioned and you can see in the video, set your cycle over the machine, and start cycling instantly.
4. Jump Rope:

What Is It?
It is a tool that applies for skipping which the user uses jumps over it in the way of continuous swung to make it passes under their feet and over the head in a consistent motion.
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Supplies You Need:
- 9-10 ft. braided polyester rope, 5/16 in. thick
- 2 steel washer, 3/8 in. thick
- 1 ft. long PVC pipe (½ in. thick)
- A sharp cutter
- Scrap paper/ sandpaper
How to Build it:
- At first, cut the PVC pipe from the middle to make two equal size pieces and sand off the rough borders with the help of scrap paper
- Untangled the rope roll and take one bottom of the rope in your hand leaving the rest on the ground
- Insert one piece of that PVC pipe over that end of the rope and thread one washer behind it
- After doing this, tied a knot at the bottom and make the end secure so then, the pipe and the washer couldn’t slip out from the ends
- Repeat this process accordingly with the other bottom of the rope and tight the knot properly
- Once you have done, the simple and durable jumping rope is all ready to use for your outdoor fitness session most easily.