You will be highly appreciated by the people whom you love when you give gift them with handmade gifts made by you. The handmade gifts is so special for the person as it is so special due to the effort, time and love you have devoted in making it so special. There are various creative ideas for romantic and unique DIY gifts for your boyfriend. All these DIY presents made are very easy and quick to recreate.
These personalized gift ideas are full of sentimental value. Try to make something special for your boyfriend as there is always a gift-giving occasion around the corner. If are looking for romantic way to surprise the love of your life with a special gift on a special occasion, then continue reading to know the 5 DIY ideas to make personalized gifts for your boyfriend.
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1. Week Of Envelopes
Is it worth to enjoy only one day in the calendar for your romantic anniversary when you can have a whole romantic anniversary week. The DIY anniversary gift for your boyfriend can be given a week before your romantic anniversary.
Things needed
- Seven sheets of colorful, letter sized papers
- Seven colored or glitter ink or classic ink pens for each letter
- Seven matching colorful envelopes.

Making of Envelopes
- For seven days, write seven different love messages on each of them. In the first letter, you can write on how you met so that you can just remind him of the date.
- Further in the second and third letters, you can mention about the first outing, memorable events that strengthened your bond together.
- In the last letter, you can wish him Happy Anniversary and a beautiful message for the future.
- Keep all the seven letters in seven different envelopes and decorate them with paint, sequins, glitters, etc. as per your imagination. You can even take help from the internet.
- Make this easy to make week full of envelopes as a DIY personalized gift for your boyfriend and show him how much he means to you.
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2. Homemade Cakes
It has been rightly said that the heart of a man goes through his stomach. Make a list of your boyfriends’ favorite dishes and of course homemade cake might be a personalized gift by you to him. Make a homemade cake and choke out a plan for a cozy romantic dinner for just two of you.
Things needed
- Plain Flour – 60 gms
- Butter – 100 gms
- Cocoa Powder – 10 gms
- Baking Powder and Soda – ¼ teaspoon each
- Milk – 80 ml
- Sugar – 60 gms
- A pinch of salt
- Vanilla Extract – few Drops
- Berries – 70 gms (As per your boyfriend’s choice)
- Cake tin and baking paper

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For frosting you will need
- Dark chocolate – a small bar
- Milk – 8ml
- Confectioner’s sugar – 12 gms
- Maple syrup or Honey – ½ teaspoon
How to make Cake
- Preheat the oven to 180 degree centigrade. Grease the cake tin with butter and cover its inner surface with baking paper.
- Take a bowl. Strain all the dry ingredients through a sieve and mix them in a bowl. Slowly stir salt and sugar in them.
- In a mixer jar, blend all the berries to make a smooth paste.
- In a medium sized saucepan, pour the milk, puree of berries and add vanilla extract. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly by stirring it over a medium heat on a stove.
- Now slowly add in the dry ingredients and mix well. Later transfer the mix to the cake tin and bake in the oven on the same heat for around 45 minutes.
- Remember that during the whole process do not burn your cake. After 35 minutes keep on checking for browning. After completion, take the cake out from the cake tin and insert a toothpick in the cake. If it comes out clean, means the cake is ready. Allow it to cool completely, before you start with the frosting process.
- Take a bowl and boil the milk. Add chocolate bar in it and slowly stir it until it melts completely. Remove the bowl from fire and add confectioner’s sugar and maple syrup. After the syrup is cooled down, spread it with a flat knife on the cooled cake.
- Top up the cake with the frosting and add the favorite berries of his choice.
- You are done with the cake and serve.
3. Customized Boyfriend T-Shirt
Customize the T-shirt of your boyfriend in a personalized way by displaying your love for him. This is easy to make and you only need some of the basic things.
Things Needed
- Computer Printer
- Cardstock
- Freezer Paper
- Tape and Scissors
- Clothes iron
- A plain T-shirt of your boyfriend’s size.
- Foam brushes and fabric paint.

How to make a printed T-shirt
- Stick the freezer paper’s shiny side on the cardstock with the help of tape temporarily and insert it in printer.
- Print the design or romantic symbol you have chosen on the non-shiny side.
- Remove the freezer paper from the cardstock and cut off the design from it to make a stencil.
- Place the stencil over the T-shirt. Keep the shiny side of the freezer paper on it and iron it. Make sure that each inch of the stencil is ironed properly and is sticking to the shirt nicely.
- Inside the shirt below the ironed stencil, keep a newspaper or cardstock. With a foam brush, spread 2-3 coats of fabric paint on the ironed stencil so that it is absorbed completely.
- Before is dries out completely, carefully remove the stencil and allow the t-shirt to dry for another 2-3 hours.
- Before gifting it to your boyfriend wash it once.
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4. Handwritten Romantic Diary
One of the personalized gifts for your boyfriend can be a lovely journal. It is super easy to make and use. All you will need it 7 regular sized papers, a punch machine, paper cutter, length of string, your choice of decorations for the diary cover and choice of material for the cover. Leather, cloth, or any other material of your boyfriend’s choice can be selected.
Cut the paper in half vertically. After cutting into halves and folding them you will get in all 28 sheets for the diary. According the halved and folded sheets measure the size of the diary’s cover material and while cutting leave an extra inch of the material beyond the sheets’ size.

Punch two holes with the punching machine along the spine of the folded sheets and cover. With the string sew the sheets and covers sew the holes and tie a knot inside the diary. With glitter or colored pen, write romantic quote or personal romantic message on the top or bottom of the alternate pages of the diary. Stick glitter, sequins, and photographs to decorate the cover. Since the gift is for your boyfriend do not make it too girly. You can randomly fill the pages of this diary with love notes and the present it to him as a special gift.
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5. Handmade Photo Frame
Make homemade photo frame to display the moments of love between both of you. For making photo frame you will need colored cardstock, glue, small cardboard box, ice cream stick, and decorative material.
Take a cardstock and cut into the heart shape. Cover it by lining some ice cream sticks vertically side by side. Paste them together and on the top edge paste two sticks horizontally of the vertical sticks. One stick should be pasted over the outermost vertical stick on the side where the horizontal sticks are pasted.

Clearly paste the heart shaped cardstock on top of the vertical sticks exactly on the side where the extra stick was pasted over the outermost vertical stick. Hence you can now see a gap from where the photo can be inserted. Paste two more sticks to cover horizontally on the side opposite to where the earlier horizontal sticks were pasted. In the opening just cut a small square in the small cardboard box to fit the square shape of the arranged ice cream sticks.
Finally you are done with the photo frame; now decorate it by pasting embellishments like bits of colored paper, glitter, sea shells, etc. You can draw hearts or write small love messages all over the frame.
The best personalized gifts are the one that are created from the scratch. This will really matter a lot to your boyfriend. Practice these DIY ideas and create your creativity and originality which is sure to surprise your boyfriend with great wonderful gift.
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