The menstrual cycle gives women several mild issues like abdominal cramping, nausea, excessive bleeding, back pain, etc. But it is essential to have for every single lady till a certain age and when anyone stops getting this cycle before that definite age, health issues start immediately. Today we emerge with the clear amplification of this problem called menopause to give you an idea about how to recognize and deal with it capably. Let’s take a look- Early Menopause
What is Early Menopause?

It is normal for each lady to have a menstrual cycle consisting of 5-8 days of period every month. This cycle continues till the age of 45-55 that varies from woman to woman depending on their health condition. After that certain age, the cycle stops naturally and indicates women’s infertility.
However, this rule doesn’t go with a few women and they get a blocked menstrual cycle before that certain age. When a woman has menopause before the age level of 40, it’s called early menopause.
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According to the medical analysis, when a woman’s body cannot produce enough amounts of productive hormone estrogen and progesterone, early menopause happens. These hormones are essential for the reproduction of a female and normalize the menstrual cycle. So, when a female body couldn’t have an adequate amount of necessary reproductive hormones, the menstrual cycle stops itself.
Depending on the medical reviews, official menopause can begin after 12 months of a lady’s last menstrual cycle. So, if you are not getting your menstrual cycle for the last 7-10 months without reaching 45, you must consult a doctor and start taking medication to prevent early menopause immediately.
What are The Symptoms of Early Menopause?
Early menopause often comes with a few apparent symptoms that aid us to recognize this health condition more easily and in time. Some of these symptoms are as follows-

- Irregular periods
- Period with heavy or extremely low flow
- Bladder irritability
- Frequent urine urge
- Loss of bladder control
- Vaginal dryness
- Mood swings
- Emotional breakdown
- Amenorrhea
- Vaginal discharge
- Having Hot flesh
- Dry skin type
- Dehydrated tongue
- Dry eyes
- Mental fogginess
- Reduced sex drive
- And sleeplessness
Sometimes, these signs can indicate some other health issues too like-
- You are depressed
- Your thyroid level is high
- You are undergoing excessive stress for long
- Side effects of any fatal disease
- You are taking chemotherapy
- You are practicing a new exercise
- Having side effects for a certain medication
- Taking contraceptive pills
- Or you are pregnant
Also, read: Premenstrual Syndrome(PMS): Explained.
So, don’t carry away by the symptoms only and one must be sure about getting affected by early menopause from a doctor before starting the treatment.
Cause of Early Menopause:
Many reasons can work behind having early menopause; one must concentrate on those causes to prevent it from being happened. Some of the common causes of early menopause are-
- If you have a history of early menopause like your mother or grandmother or any close female family member had premature menopause
- If you have ovarian surgery or uterus operation ever
- If you used to be a heavy or chain smoker
- If you are undergoing chemotherapy or radiation
- If you have some serious medical condition like chromosomal abnormalities rheumatoid arthritis, mumps, etc.
- If you are detected with HIV positive or AIDS
- If you have a genetic disorder like abnormal chromosomes, fragile X syndrome, etc.
- If you have autoimmune conditions like having problems in hormone-producing organs
- If you are tainted with any internal infection that can affect your hormonal balance in reproductive organs
- And if you are suffering from excessive fatigue or overweight that can affect your menstrual cycle
How to Diagnosed Early Menopause?
To be certain about getting contaminated with early menopause, you need to follow these medical procedures-
- Consult a gynecologist first and talk about your problems with the menstrual cycle clearly
- Conduct a physical examination of your reproductive organs including a pelvic test
- Take a pregnancy test with a pregnancy kit and proper urine test
- Test the hormone levels in your blood like estradiol level, FSH level, prolactin level, anti-mullerian level, etc.
- Take a DNA test to find out the cause of the irregular menstrual cycle
- And purchase a home-menopause test kit and take a test at home to be certain about your early menopause.

What are The Disadvantages of Early Menopause?
Early menopause not only brings a clogged menstrual cycle but also leads to some other chronic health conditions. Untreated and unattended premature menopause can give you serious health issues like-
Also, read: Premenstrual Syndrome(PMS): Explained.
- Certain infertility means you can’t get pregnant anymore
- Increase the stress level of your mind and sometimes even bring hypertension too
- Increase the possibility of Osteoporosis with an extremely low-estrogen level that escalates the risk of bone-fracture more easily
- More probability of heart disease due to insufficient emission of estrogen hormone
- Drag you to the signs of depression and anxiety over time, especially those, who have high-stress level after early menopause
- Increase the risk of ovarian and colon cancer
- Risk of periodontal diseases and tooth loss before time
- Cataract formation
- Hormonal imbalance in their body
- And sometimes undefined blood clots inside a female body suffered from early menopause.
How to Treat Early Menopause?
Unfortunately, there is no proper treatment for premature menopause. Once menopause has been detected, it is implausible to be reversed. However, you can fight the possible health issues and survive this problem with some medications along with a few changes in your lifestyle. Let’s check those tricks below-

- Consult a doctor immediately if there are any changes to start your paused menstrual cycle again
- Follow the diet rules recommended for woman with menopause
- Focus on your weight and limit any foods that can cause any weight gain after menopause
- Include wholegrain foods and green leafy vegetables in your regular diet like oats, brown rice, brown bread, muesli, spinach, celery, coriander, lettuce, reddish-green, etc.
- Increase the intake of calcium-rich foods like low-fat dairy products, sardines, salmon, fortified cereals, tofu, soybean, etc.
- Make sure you consume 1000 to 15000 mg of calcium every day to keep the bone problems at bay after menopause
- Avoid extra spicy foods, items with artificial sugar, refined foods, caffeine products, etc.
- Say no to unhealthy habits like drinking alcohol, smoking, taking drugs, etc.
- Follow proper routines like when to sleep, how much sleep a day, when to wake up, etc.
- Exercise daily and practice yoga poses which are skilled in improving hormonal balance
- Take calcium and vitamin D supplements daily to make your body capable of combating the bad effects of early menopause
- Start taking a mild dose of antidepressant after consulting a health expert
- Keep the temperature of your room low to control the signs of night sweating after early menopause expertly
- Take an anti-depression session from a psychiatrist and learn about your sudden anxiety after menopause
- Avoid anything that may trigger the signs of headache and heartburn more intensely, which is normal after menopause
- And recommend herbal medication that may ease the signs of early menopause efficiently.
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