Wish that is common in all the living beings is that one day they wake up with no extra fat on their body without any efforts. Well, if that happens it would a miracle!!! NO Exercise still staying healthy. Spoiler reality check: Nothing comes your way without efforts! So in order to get your desired body, you have to work out whether you like it or not. So the next question that arises is “WHICH EXERCISES SHOULD WE DO?” just to help you out we have shortlisted some Effective exercises which would surely help in weight loss.
- Planks
GIF source: Giphy
Planking is an effective exercise to lose belly fat. Other benefits of this exercise are that it strengthens your muscles to the core as multiple group of muscles is engaged while exercising, improves flexibility, tones stomach and improves mood.
- Skipping
Image source: Pinterest
Skipping is that exercise which many of us can do properly. If I talk about myself I can barely jump more than 5times. Practices bring perfection so if you practice skipping regularly you can avail its benefits too. Skipping helps in improving the heart rate, keeps a check on Osteoporosis, tones full body muscles and improves skin.
- Jumping Jacks
GIF source: Giphy
Best cardio for reducing fat. Jumping always lightens up the mood and give us a sense of happiness. Other than lightening the mood it reduces the risk of Obesity, Diabetes and various cardiovascular diseases. When we are exercising jumping jacks it improves and increases the amount of blood flow in our body.
- Push-ups
Image source: Pinterest
Doing push up, may not be your cup of tea but adapting it in your routine will surely leave you with some of the perks. When we adopt this exercise as a routine it helps us in improving our bone strengthens, tones our muscles, lowers the risk of back pain and improves the posture.Adapting exercises as a part of a daily routine will surely leave you with your desired body.
Article by: Arpita