Wedding over!!! all the functions, all the chaos, people came some enjoyed while some followed the ritual of an angry relative! everything got over. After marriage, 92% of women gain weight. Pre-Wedding all the girls get into the almost perfect figure by doing a strict diet and exercising.
If we look at the series of events then it would be like friends (optional stage as we have a concept of arrange marriage) then comes love then marriage then honeymoon and then comes a lot of extra pounds. after researching we short-listed some of the reasons why you gain weight post marriage.
- Leaving diet
After starting your happily ever after, we leave all the diet we were following for some time and eat like there is no tomorrow. This results in the weight gain at the double speed.
- Meal Invitations
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After marriage, our relatives get in a rush to invite the newlywed to their homes for some meal. Well, for some it is a custom and for some, it is a trend. In all this, the one who caught up is you because if it is a custom then you cannot say no and if it is a trend you have to follow. This custom and trend have a major contribution to our weight gain.
- Adapting our Partner’s habit
When we are newly married we wish to spend as much time as possible with our partners. This leads to adapting to each other’s habit. This could be eating at odd times of the day or it could be not getting sufficient sleep. Getting sufficient sleep and eating at proper times is really important.
- No SOCIAL Outings
Initially, we spend a lot of time and efforts on going on dates but after marriage, we just either get caught up in other things which restrains us from going out on dates and some gathering with friends. While we have to go out we focus somewhat on our looks but when we are all caught up we don’t get time for both that is looks and time to go on dates.Article By: Arpita