Parenting is a Herculean task. No one can be a perfect parent. We keep learning from our experiences. We need to understand our child more especially in their early age, when they cannot express themselves and their problems. Although, we are not doctors to diagnose illnesses of our child, but by observing their manifestations we can take the right step ahead. Symptoms of the afflictions like COVID-19, viral flu and dengue might seem to be quite similar, but symptoms of them need to be understood carefully for better medications and further treatment. First of all, keep in mind that the symptoms in children and in adults are not exactly similar. So, let us know about how, being parents, we can identify our child’s illness by observing their symptoms in cases for Covid-19, dengue and viral flu.
Along with this, the risk of diseases related to other types of respiratory infections has also increased. Although the symptoms of all these are almost the same, but it is important to understand them closely and take the right remedy.
Symptoms of COVID-19 in children
To tell you that, doctors stated that children are more often affected by COVID-19 than adults. So, all the parents need to pay complete attention towards their children and their health. During COVID infection in children, they might suffer from fever, severe cough and persistent runny nose for upto four days. In Covid, children may also have an upset stomach, they may get vomiting, as well as pain in the head and whole body.
The eyes appear red, with water constantly flowing out of them. There is difficulty in breathing. Along with this, red and blue coloured rhesus is also visible in the knuckles of the fingers.

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Symptoms of Dengue in children
Presently, a new variant “DENV2” is very harmful and dangerous which is causing dengue infection. When it comes to children, this new variant affects children for 4 to 10 days. Commonly observed symptoms in children are, whole body pain and headache, along with high fever.
The fever might even cross 105 degrees. Vomiting, diarrhoea and other abdominal soreness have also been observed in children. Further, they may even feel pain in eyes and joints. Child may also feel unease and develop rashes in the body during this disease.
Symptoms of Viral Flu
The symptoms of viral flu are very much in common with those of dengue. With the advancing age of children and also due to changing seasons, their immunity weakens. So this increases the risk of the viral flu. Talking particularly about viral flu symptoms then, mild fever has been reported in children for approximately 3 to 4 days. Besides this, runny nose, cold as well as persistent cough are also additional symptoms. Further, slight body ache, uneasiness, weakness are also some symptoms of viral flu in children.
Homogenous symptoms of Covid-19, Viral flu and Dengue
First thing to remember is that all these three diseases are caused by viruses. Thus, their symptoms also show much similarities. Hence, it becomes even more important for us as parents to understand their minuscule differences.

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A decrease or loss in taste as well as aroma in children is a kind of uncommon symptom of Covid-19. On the other hand, fever due to dengue infection arrives early and also stays for the longer period of time.
What should be done next
If you witness any of the above symptoms then first of all try to isolate the child. Keep the child away from all family members because they are contagious viral diseases. Then, next give your child a complete rest. Finally, consult a doctor and communicate him/her all the symptoms that you observed.
With proper care under the supervision of a doctor, your child will easily recover. But in the other case, if the problem worsens then immediately contact the nearest hospital. Because it is quite difficult for children to explain themselves and their problems. So, here the role of a doctor becomes more critical, for better treatment and understanding.