How many of you have completely forgotten about foot care? Yes, our twice-daily skincare regimen is lengthy and excessive. We spend money on the latest serums, moisturisers, and peels if we believe they will improve the appearance of our skin. However, this is because it is the first thing we notice when we look in the mirror. However, one area in particular that we have recently found ourselves turning a blind eye to is our feet.
The end result? Heels with cracks, flakes, and callouses. Cracked heels are one of the most common yet highly uncomfortable annoyances in life that we would gladly do without. But, we’ve got your back – here’s a step-by-step guide to permanently removing cracked heels.
Cracked Heels: What Causes Them?

Because cracked heels are a general problem that can affect anyone, the causes may not always be obvious. The most important thing is to get the cracked heels treated as soon as possible so that they do not cause additional bleeding or pain. The most common cause of cracked heels is a lack of care for your skin or feet through proper cleansing and application of moisturiser. This causes callouses or thick skin to form around the outside edges of the heel. These callouses begin to crack as a result of activities such as running, walking, or exercising.
Other factors that can cause heels to crack include weather changes, cold climate, wearing inappropriate footwear, walking barefoot on rough surfaces, and so on.
How to Repair a Cracked Heel?

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It’s time to think about our poor feet. If you want to put a spring in your step, we’ve put together a foot care routine that will help you say goodbye to cracked heels.
Cleanse first!
First and foremost, soak your feet in hot water and scrub them with an exfoliating glove. Next, rinse them thoroughly and scrub them, paying special attention to dry areas such as the heels and under the toes.
Use Scrub
The germ-killing scrub from any good brand with ingredients like lavender, neem, walnut, and apricot beads will do the job. Scrub is simply amazing at removing dead skin and impurities, relaxing the skin, and providing a radiant glow.
Put a foot mask
After you’ve removed all of the dead skin, it’s time for a foot mask. Allow the mask to sit for five to ten minutes before removing it.
Gentle massage
Now apply some massage cream and rub it into your skin, followed by another mask that you can leave on for about 10 minutes while wearing socks.
Apply Body Oil
We recommend not rinsing the mask off after 10 minutes. Apply body oil cream first, then a body oil or moisturising oil mist, and don’t forget to rub it between your toes.
Apply Vaseline
Next, apply Vaseline petroleum jelly to the hard-to-reach and extra-dry areas of the heels and toes.
Some home remedies for cracked heels:
Increased Water Consumption

When you start experiencing cracked heels, you should focus on increasing your water intake. It will help to soothe your dry and cracked skin if you stay hydrated.
Opt For Moisturising Socks
Do you want to give your heels a little extra moisture? Then try moisturising socks! These socks will not only protect your heels but will also soften them.
Apply liquid bandage
You could also use a liquid bandage. This product will assist you in sealing the wound and preventing infection.
Apply Shea Butter
Shea butter is a wonderful ingredient that works well as a home remedy for cracked heels. It both moisturises and heals cracked skin.
Use Pumice stone

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You can exfoliate and remove the dead skin by using pumice stones. All you have to do is rub the abrasive side of pumice stones in circular motions on dry skin. After that, rinse and apply the moisturiser.
A DIY for cracked heel repair:
You will require the following items:
- 1 cup antiseptic mouthwash. + 1/2 cup warm water
- 1 quart vinegar
- File for the feet
- A bucket or a tub
Because green and blue mouthwashes can stain the skin, it is recommended to use a clear or yellow mouthwash.
Use it as follows:
- Fill a foot soak tub or bucket with warm water and dip your feet in.
- Pour in the mouthwash.
- Pour in the vinegar.
- Soak your feet in the tub for approximately 15-20 minutes.
- When the timer goes off, use the foot file to scrub away the dead skin.
- Pat dry and immediately apply a foot cream to your feet.
How Can You Avoid Cracked Heels?

Apply foot cream or lotion to your feet every day to keep them hydrated. This is best done after a shower or bath, when the skin is soft. Use a pumice stone to file the skin on your heels at least once a week. This aids in the removal of dry, flaky skin on your heels. Thus, cracked heels are avoided.