We all know that different food items have different calories in them, some may be low whereas some may be high in calories. The very first reaction one gets after announcing that they wish to lose weight is “you should stop eating”. Most of the time they forget to tell what you should not eat. Do you know that some food items help us in losing weight? food items vary in calories so when they are consumed in properly they help us in losing weight. Here is a list of ten food items which help us in losing weight:
- Whole Egg
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Whole Eggs are rich in proteins, and healthy fats. in very less quantity they can make us feel full for quite a long time of day. Interesting thing is that they provide almost all the nutrients that are required by the human body.
- Cheese and Yogurt
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Many times people give up cheese in order to lose weight but they don’t know that the calcium present it can help in reducing fat. If yogurt and avocado are also rich in healthy fats and proteins which makes human fell full for hours.
- Basmati rice
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Rice is the most consumed staple food in India. Rice is rich in carbohydrates which causes weight gain. But studies have shown that Basmati rice contains lower components that cause weight gain. thus it is advised to eat basmati rice in moderate quantity.
- Fruits
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Fruits are natural fat burners and also help in boosting the metabolism of the human. They are full of vitamin, minerals, and antioxidants which help in removing toxic waste from our body. we can substitute fruits for high-calorie food items which will eventually help us consuming less.
- Leafy Greens
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Leafy Greens such as spinach, cabbage, broccoli are good examples of leafy greens. These are low in calories and high in fibre which is of great help.