Haircare by oil as the name suggests is when you use oil for taking care. A few essential oils have their own benefits. Each essential oil has different benefits like some are good for hair strengthening, scalp cleansing and some good for stimulating the hair follicles and improve circulation. These essential oils are great options to take care of many hair issues. These oils are infused with a number of products like shampoos, serums and other hair care products. So, here is the list of some top oils that you can use when planning hair care by oil.
Here are some essential oils that you can use when you are planning hair care by oil:
Almond oil: This is another commonly used oil. Almond oil works great with soothing and moisturizing the scalp.
Jojoba oil: This acts both as a base and essential oil. It is a great oil to get nourished hair as the oil is blessed with nutrients. A good massage with this oil stimulates the scalp.
Lemongrass Oil: The oil has a great fragrance. The oil is used as a carrier oil with base oils like coconut or olive. It balances the oil production on the scalp, strengthens the hair follicles and encourages fresh growth.
Rosemary Oil: It is used as an infused oil in base oils. The oil is a great option for anyone looking for some relief from dandruff. Rosemary oil increases the circulation in the scalp that encourages new hair growth.
Cedarwood oil: It is used as an infused oil mixed with the base oil. The oil is a great option to restore the balance of the scalp. Be it oily or dry? It is blessed with antiseptic and astringent properties that help to take care of dandruff and hair loss.
Chamomile oil: A lovely smell and a lot of benefits are what chamomile oil offers. This oil works great on the skin, is it scalp or body. The soothing properties of the oil help to treat a scale and inflamed scalp. Apart from this, it is great with psoriasis. Regular use of this oil mixed with Jojoba or coconut adds shine to the hair and conditions them as well.
Moroccan Argan oil: As the name suggests, the oil comes from the Moroccan region. The Argan oil has been loaded with antioxidants that help to increase the oxygen to the hair making them nourished and damage free.
Tea tree oil: As the name suggests, it has been derived out of Tea Tree. The tea tree oil has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties that help you cleanse up a dirty scalp. This reduces issues like an itchy scalp, dandruff, etc. When used topically, it can work wonders to open up dead hair follicles.
Ylang Ylang Oil: This oil has a great fragrance. A great option for anyone with dry hair as it helps in improving the sebum production.
These are just a few essential oils that you can use when planning to take up hair care by oil. So, when you are on your planning of choosing the right hair care option. Do run through this article to know which suits you best.
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