Tummy- what’s wrong with you?
Work and Rest go hand in hand. One is dependent on the other for deriving complete satisfaction. Just as a machine needs to be used regularly for it to perform properly similarly it needs an optimal amount of rest to perform in full capacity. Too much usage of a machine can heat its parts leading to underperformance of the machine. Similarly, our body is an amazing machine that can perform mind-blowing functions. However, this is possible only if it gets the optimal parameters of work and rest. Our stomach is constantly working to digest the food that we eat on a day to day basis. As a result, it is overworked all the time. This creates a huge pressure on the stomach and the other organs involved in digestion. Over a period of time, it loses its efficiency leading to underperformance in the form of indigestion, gastritis, flatulence, cholesterol accumulation, chronic weight gain, and in severe cases cancer. This situation can be averted just by incorporating simple routines in our life like exercising, yoga, and observing intermittent fasting regularly.
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How does the body gain weight?
Normally when we eat food a small amount of the food is converted into energy to perform various functions by the body. The rest of the digested food material is stored to be used for future needs. However, nowadays most of the foods that we eat are highly refined with a high content of sugar. Apart from producing energy excess amounts of digested food particles are stored. These are metabolized into certain forms that are toxic to our body when present in excess. Slowly these get deposited in the fat tissues of our body leading to gain in weight abnormally. Once we gain weight the daily routine tasks like walking, stooping, running, etc becomes difficult. Over a period we tend to stop exercising our body which leads to more accumulation of toxins and more weight gain.
- Weight gain and its implications-
Unwarranted weight gain tends to induce serious physiological and psychological effects. Physiologically health of a person takes back seat and psychologically loss of confidence and in certain cases, depression of mind takes over. Studies have shown that weight gain leads to suicidal tendencies in severe cases.
Fasting- Who am I?
Fasting is a practice of not eating/ restricting food for a specific period in order to cleanse the body of its toxins generated because of overeating. Just as we need to sleep to refresh ourselves similarly body needs to detoxify itself to regain health. This is can be done by fasting intermittently.
Intermittent fasting
Intermittent fasting is about restricting food intake to a specific time of the day. Some people eat food with a gap of 8 hrs and the rest 16 hrs keep the stomach empty. Eating at regular intervals in optimal quantities and fasting once in a while drives the system to remove harmful substances from the body leading to better performance. One of the most relatable effects of intermittent fasting is losing weight.
- Weight loss and fasting – what’s the connection?
Fasting helps in releasing these toxins from the fat reserves of our body thereby effectively removing it from our system. Once the fat reserve issues are sorted out slowly the body starts to perform better in the sense of better digestion, optimal absorption, faster assimilation, and enhanced removal of undigested metabolic wastes occurs. It optimizes hormonal functions like regulating insulin production and boosting glucagon activity, which regulates epinephrine secretion to burn calories. Regular fasting mobilizes and metabolizes excess fat which to controlled weight loss.
Also Read: Does Yoga Really Help In Losing Your Weight?
- Other effects of intermittent fasting-
- improves blood sugar levels,
- increases good cholesterol
- boosts longevity
- retains muscle mass; body adopts a definite appealing shape and structure.
- improves brain function
Religious Practices connected to fasting
In hindu culture there a practice of fasting during ekadashi period. It is highly recommended for spiritual enhancement. Muslims undergo a period of fasting in the holy month of Ramadan. Christians observe Lent for spiritual cleansing.
By adopting a healthy lifestyle like regular exercising, walking and intermittent fasting we can live our life with complete satisfaction.