Children can be tough to handle at times. We have a lot to look forward to as new parents in 2021. Working together, helping your child to find and seem what fits them the best is an important parenting rule every parent needs to come by.
The future is surely exciting for parents who are trying the best for their kids and helping to raise amazing personalities.
Whether we’re changing diapers or feeding our children, we can do it with purpose and understanding. We will have a lot to care for this little human and a head full of new information on what is best for them and us.
We will be able to talk to others who have chosen the same path and share ideas and best practices for care.
Some of these tips for being a good parent include:
Taking care of your children routine meals
Making sure that your child is getting enough sleep, nutritious food and hygiene services during the day. Turn to experts who are on the leading edge of this shift in power and skills. They are beginning to understand how to care for our children with understanding, skill, knowledge and perspective. Also in the year 2021, parenting will be a rewarding and more cherished role. We will have more time to spend with our children as we (you) are needed at home and less time away from them due to work travel, meetings and other types of work related responsibilities.
Creating a better tomorrow for your children
So as we create the future of caring for our children, let us remember that most of all, we want their childhoods to be fun for them and peaceful for us. We are all adults here and we need to give ourselves permission to become better parents now, in order to create this peaceful future. Becoming a better parent is hard. It takes time, patience, energy, emotional bandwidth and resources.
If we want a better future for us and for our children, it begins with us here and now. We have to be the ones to do it because no one else will take on the responsibility with in our children’s lives unless we do it ourselves as parents in this brave new world.
Staying connected with the means of opportunities now
Imagine that we become better parents by taking advantage of all the opportunities available to us now. Imagine that we stay connected to family, friends and community and make sure that they are parenting well too. Imagine, that we have no more children than we can afford and that we can care for them with a joyful heart. Imagine that there are no accidents or mistakes in our parenting. It’s impossible to have an accident when you take full responsibility for the outcome.
Imagine what our children would be like as a result of better parenting among us all. Imagine if we knew exactly what was right for our children without relying on old beliefs, traditions and practices about raising them that are not based on science or facts?
Planning a bit about their future
It is your job as parents to start imagining this future and then planning for it now while your children are small. Families need to take responsibility for the future of our children and ourselves.
We are creating a better future for all of us and our children as we expand the power of parenting so that this is a space where we can be both parents, but also know that time is precious and handle it well. Every parent does not have equal time to spend with their child but they all have an equal responsibility to protect their child and provide them with care that best meets their needs.

This is an urgent call for us to do what we can now, today, as parents, in order to prepare ourselves for this expanded role of childhood care. This means to do more of what we know how to do and less of what we don’t. We need to take responsibility for this expanded role in 2021, in order to create a peaceful and nurturing future for children.
Taking the lead now as parents is a grassroots movement that is happening all around us, right now at the foremost step. As communities work together in these spaces, they are creating policies and services that provide for loving care for infants and their families so that parents can return home from work with peace of mind knowing that our children are being well cared for.