The duo of venus ruled female Taurus and Neptune ruled Pisces is a match of one shy and other uncertain personality. The planet venus makes this woman over appealing, loving, and caring. She is mature and understanding. Relationships and love are her priority and she doesn’t risk them very often. She forms a very compatible match with the male Pisces as he is governed by planet Neptune. This blue planet symbolizes the calm in him. Though his thoughts are unpredictable he is very soft and emotional. He loves lady Taurus with all the heart. He values the relationship and thus is a compatible partner for female Taurus.
The Taurus female is a sensual, compassionate, emotionally strong, loyal and trustworthy woman. She always tries to make her partner safe and comfortable with her. Pisces man does not get any chance to question over acts of his lady. Before taking any step, she considers all circumstances prior. Male Pisces really love her for her loyal conduct. He admires her external and internal beauty and stays loyal to her. Together they develop a good understanding between them. There are chances of clashes and contradiction but this compatible match comes over any kind of hurdle.
Both Taurus and Pisces are bad at temper along with being a bit stubborn and staunch in nature. There are many similarities between them. Both of them are admirers of tranquillity and peace which is a state where they are most likely to be. It becomes very important for her to be his positive tool to drag him from that place and shower on him, the world of love, romance, and affection.
Both of them have a tendency to feel and prove their love through physical touch, which makes it easier for them to connect well, sharing a benevolent experience of a great intimate relationship.
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