When a couple becomes parents, some legal documents are prepared for the future purpose, in case of separation which should be done before parents getting separated. A parenting plan is included in the divorce or in a marital separation, which is a document of a child’s custody. Everything regarding the discharge of the responsibilities and many agreements and when and how things should be done is specifically mentioned in the legal document.
A parenting plan includes many things about the child related to their upbringing and development. Some major and important things which are discussed during the readout of the parenting plan are explained below:
1. Details regarding the task of children that should be performed by whom is mentioned in the plan.
2. The amount of time that a child spends with both the parents are specified in this parenting plan with a brief when and how much time they get to spend in a week or a month or maybe in a day.
3. The means of communication, how the parents can communicate with each other regarding their child’s discussion, or how they can contact their child by the technologies and the methods.
4. Who will look after the academic process and takes the responsibility of their education system and process?
5. Things related to healthcare are also mentioned with the name of the parent that will be responsible for every heath issue and have to take care of their child as given by the court.
There can be major two types of parenting; one can be a solo parenting, and others can be a shared parenting responsibility. Where shared-parenting means the custody of the child is given to both the parent equally with equal rights and responsibility to grow a child and build their future. Both the parent has to work and give their efforts equally to the child so that they can make them a better grownup.
Whereas, solo parenting responsibility means all the rights are given to a single parent who has all the rights to make decisions regarding their child with no interference of the other parent.
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