The love relationship between Gemini man and lady Aquarius can be beautiful or complex. The uncertainty of this match lies in the unpredictable nature of individuals. The fact is both lady Aquarius and Gemini male are loyal and emotional kind of lovers but on the other hand, they are somewhat self-centered who believes in satisfying their personal egos. The male Gemini is governed by planet mercury, which is known as the messenger of gods. This man is a good communicator. He can express his views and desires easily. Lady Aquarius is governed by planet Uranus, which is known as God of sky and heaven.
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This woman is creative and emotional. But also she has excellent mental and intellectual strengths. Her ambitious nature and self-determination are very impressive as well as appealing. Along with this, she is a woman with a soft heart and jolly nature. Men around her very soon get attracted to her personality. This is the reason Gemini man feels a strong attraction towards her. In this relationship, both are quick decision-makers.
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They do not take time to analyze the consequences. This quality can sometimes bring both of them in trouble. With mere attraction, a Gemini man and Aquarius woman can plan for a relationship, but later when they feel serious emotions for one another and when they discover actual good and bad habits of one another, there are chances that they may regret on the decision they made. But if they fall in love with serious emotions, this relationship can turn very beautiful and adorable as both partners are very loyal and full of dedication.
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The understanding between them depends on situations and efforts. If they decide to stick on this relationship they can develop an appreciable understanding otherwise there are a lot many reasons for them to fight on. Both are stubborn, aggressive and witty. Lady aquarius sometime behave very weirdly and unexpected. The unpredictability can sometimes trouble Gemini man a lot.
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The physical relationship between them is filled with zeal, passion and love. They will have a great time having an intimate aspect of their relationship. They may not be very much involved in the same, though they will consider this to be an important part of expressing their love for one another. This way this relationship will work beautifully with some extra efforts and real emotions.
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