Being an introvert can be hard on your dating life. Asking someone out is a lot harder for an introvert than most people realize. And, if by God’s grace you have got a date, making it a successful one is a bigger task, because dates involve small talks, opening up to another person, and keeping the conversations flowing to avoid awkward silences. It is enough to make an introvert go into a nervous breakdown.
Here are a few dating tips for introverts to make it easier for them:
- Be who you are
To make a good impression, sometimes you try to be someone you are not. That will not work in your favor at all. Pretending to be a cheery and talkative person will drain all your energy and your date will realize the truth at some point, that you are not what you are saying.
- Prepare some conversation topics
If it’s a first date, you might have researched about your date. Prepare some topics which your date might be interested in, that way you can stop conversations from reaching a dead end.
- Ask open-ended Questions
When asking questions, make sure they are open-ended, so you can continue conversations on it. For example, when you ask about work, add it to what he or she likes about the profession.
- Wear something comfortable
I know, you want to look classy and sexy for your date, but picking something new which you have never worn before might not be a good idea. If the dress is uncomfortable, it will just add to the things you are worrying about. You will keep fidgeting and looking at your dress which will not work in your favor.
- Pick a familiar place or activity
An unfamiliar place can add to your discomfort. Pick a place you have been to at least once. If you are going for some activity or event, make sure it’s not too crowded and lengthy.
- Have an Escape Plan
If you are seeing too many red flags with your date or getting too uncomfortable, you can make an excuse and leave. Also, if directly saying it making your introvert heart cringe, have a friend text or call you at a certain time, so you can leave with “friend in emergency” excuse.
Remember, being an introvert is not something to be ashamed of; it’s just part of your personality. Don’t ever feel inferior because of it. Go on your dates with confidence a little preparation, you will do just fine.
Happy Dating!!
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