Mom Dad I know that there are certain times we don’t agree. I understand that was different in your time so you think differently about it but there are certain things what I really want you to understand about our generation.
Let me choose a career that would make me happy and look forward to work the next morning. There are more career options other than engineers, doctors, and lawyers. Please don’t think that if I don’t have a white collar job then I can achieve nothing in my life.-
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Nothing changes after marriage. There is no harm if a girl takes care of her parents and supports them after marriage.
I can’t stay in an unhappy relationship just because what people would think. I am not afraid to walk out and live life on my terms even if it means staying alone. As long as it makes me happy I am fine.
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Staying out late at night or going on trips with friends doesn’t make me ‘Awara’. I like exploring things on our own.
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My habits don’t define my character. If I drink or smoke it doesn’t mean I am bad.
You might think I don’t care about you or love you, my friends are my life but that is not true. You both are the most important people in my life and I care about you. I might not show you but I really do.
Life is not a race. It is okay if I don’t get married by the age of 25 and have kids by 30. we want our own time to be ready for marriage emotionally and mentally.
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Adopting a kid is an option. It doesn’t make any difference if I have a child of my own or I adopt it doesn’t make a difference. What matters is my way of upbringing the child.
And Believe me, I love you the most.
Also Read Are you really Judgemental? Think twice!!
Article By: Arpita