Meditation has been practiced for centuries by different religions and communities. It is a simple way to reap several health and spiritual benefits. Meditation can be done alone or in a group . Meditation can be mastered by meditation classes. But in the age of technology and health-tech, there are also several apps which can help to do meditation at home. These can be downloaded either on iPhone or Android phones. Here are several apps which can help in practicing meditation:
This app contains more than 100 guided meditations designed to lower stress, anxiety, boosts confidence and improves sleep. Users having a busy schedule can also go for brief meditation sessions. It also features bedtime stories to sleep better. It offers a 7-day free trial.

This app has the best educational curriculum which can range from beginners to graduate level. There are several sleep music tracks and nature soundscapes which can be tried before sleeping.

3. Stop, Breathe And Think
As soon as the app is opened it asks the user’s current feelings and emotions so that the user can rate how much stress he/she is. From there the app generates the meditation session to ease out and bring calmness to the user.

4. Aura
It is the right app for those who seek instant meditations practiced within a limited time with simplicity. The users can maintain a gratitude journal, keep track of their moods and enjoy the sounds of nature.

5. Mindfulness App
It is created by two yoga and mindfulness professionals. It is the most accessible one and it offers customized meditations along with reminders to keep you mindful throughout the day and statistics to track in your meditation journal.

6. Buddhify
It is a flexible meditation mobile app designed to fulfil meditation and mindfulness. It has no hidden charges. It can offer over 11 hours of custom meditation sessions to go with 15 types of day routine. This includes traveling, online exposure, work break, sleeping routine and more.

7. Smiling Mind
This app is owned by a non-profit company that wants to contribute positive changes for all generations. This free app is beneficial for both kids and adult. Some teachers are also using it as a part of school programs to teach students.

8. Sattva
Sattva is a unique app as along with inspiring guided meditations, it also keeps you motivated to welcome new challenges. Trophies are given for new challenges and meditation games where one can interact with their own group of friends or with an unknown group. Experience s can also be shared with a group of people.

We have mentioned several different apps but you have to find out the one that works best for you. Try and experiment with different apps as one app may not be sufficient to cover all the things. After experimenting you should stick to one app and practice meditation daily to get all the benefits.