Undoubtedly, love is the most beautiful feeling but at the same time it can even turn into the saddest part of someone’s life, if that person fails to find a perfect partner for himself/herself. If being a man you’re falling in love with a woman who was ditched or abandoned in the past, or with a lady who is heartbroken due to her past relationships. Then, there are some points you must keep in mind while you’re dealing with such emotionally sensitive person. Always remember, that such a woman loses her complete trust in love and relationships. It becomes quite difficult for them to trust some random man easily. But, at the same time all of us wish to have someone in our lives with whom we could share our agony. Such situations must be carefully handled. Here, men need to take special care of their partner. If you love a person, then it becomes your duty to be their support in their difficult times.
Many times women are hesitant in entering into another relationship after facing bad breakup or cheating. But, if you genuinely love someone then you need patience. So here are some tips, for all those who are falling in love or want to impress a woman who had been a victim of some major deception in her past relationship.
Give chance only after trust
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When a woman who has been cheated or betrayed in love, doesn’t allows herself to open up to any new man easily. This is possible only when she feels that she can trust you. It is not a plain sailing for a woman to trust you, so you need to make her feel comfortable so that she can share her pain with you. And once she begins to share it with you, it means that she is also thinking about her relationship with you, so remember that you don’t take it lightly.
Share her agony
Any heartbroken woman will not showcase her weakness or vulnerability. They might pretend to be strong. But, every person do needs someone in his/her life for sharing their pain. When a woman has been heartbroken many times, it is not that she is afraid to come with you but she wants to share her heart with you. A woman who has been deceived in love does not want to cry about her past in front of you. You need to be a good listener if you really want to understand her pain, if she decides to share it with you.
Save her heart from breaking
When a woman’s heart is broken by the one she loves, she is terribly broken. In such a situation, she always try to save her heart from falling into the similar situation again. Hence, this makes her introvert. So it is your responsibility to develop that confidence in her that you will never do the same to her. And also make her believe that you will never let her heart go into pieces again.
Read more: Parochial Mindset Of Men Towards Women Is Destroying Relationships; Here’s What Men Should Do
Love and support is a must
You must make her feel that you are there for her in every situation. You need to be supportive and caring, as this will help her building confidence in you. Once you start supporting her, then slowly and gradually this will lead you to the next phase which is, love. Such a woman needs a man who can pay attention to her and show her care. Make them feel that they are with a person with whom they can comfortably share their lives.
Can be time a consuming journey
After going through all the above points by now you must have realised that it is not going to be an easy task for you to accomplish. It can be a long time consuming journey, but if you genuinely love that lady then, you will definitely win her in your life. Also, make a promise to yourself that you will neither break her heart nor you will let anyone else do anymore wrong to her. You need to be patient in this process, as she might take time in believing as well as understanding you. Sometimes, you might even feel that she is not interested in being with you at all, but always keep her situation in mind.