When talks come to weight loss people around us come up with some advice. They just say that try certain things and you will lose weight at the speed of light. Well, some of them might be true but not all. So here are ist of myths that people believe when it comes to weight loss.
- Calories are same
Not all calories are the same. Different food items have different calories in them. Intake of some food items increases our appetite whereas some reduce it.
- Supplements help in weight loss
A big No! the supplements we intake for the sake of weight loss most of them are useless. One can lose only a few pounds if any of them works.
- “EAT less Work more” principal
Fat is nothing but the stored energy in our body. So in order to lose fat one needs to work more, but “eat less work more ” is a terrible principal because those who follow end up gaining weight in a few months time. Weight loss not only requires to control your food but also your desire to eat. Basically, if you want to lose weight you need to have unbreakable determination also. - Obesity is out of “choice”
This is totally illogical because no one wishes to be fat. Each one of us wants to look like a supermodel who has a perfect figure. Obesity is a complex disorder. There are many factors associated with it. So obesity is not out of choice. - Skipping Breakfast makes you gain fatA recent study was made on 250 people consisting of men and women. They were given a choice that whether they want to have breakfast or skip it. this study continued for 4-5 months and after the study, it resulted that whether you have breakfast or not does not make any difference.
- Fast food is fattening
his is also a myth because not all fast food is fattening. Eery fast food restaurant offers some healthier options too. So eating out does not mean that you can’t have healthy options.
- FAt=Unhealthy Thin=HealthyIn layman’s language, the person who is thin is considered to be healthy whereas a fat person would be advised to lose weight because they are considered to be unhealthy. But the fact is many fat people are healthier than thin people whereas many thin people suffer from some chronic diseases.
So here are some myths which we need to stop believing in the name of weight loss.Article By: Arpita