The last time we were faced with a potential pandemic, the H1N1 virus, it was a really intense experience for many of us. There were constant reminders on the news of how serious this disease was and many people took to freaking out on friends and family just by text or email. And while fears about the pandemic (particularly in 2009) may have been overblown, you never want to be caught off guard should a pandemic happen.
Getting prepared for a pandemic doesn’t mean you’re a crazy paranoid doomsayer, it means you are a responsible adult who is making sure they take care of themselves and their family. And for your family, that means finding ways to educate them in the event of an outbreak down the road.
So if you’re someone who is trying to prep for something like this, here are some things that every parent needs to know.
Prepare Kids For A Pandemic Before One Happens
Before anything happens, start getting your kids used to the idea of the pandemic itself. Talk about it with them when they are young so they can understand what it is and why it matters if it ever comes up again. This is something that helps them understand that getting a vaccine is important for everyone, and you’ll be better informed about what they are exposed to.
The key here is assuring your kids that while you’re taking the time to talk about this with them, it isn’t something they need fear. If your kids start to panic or see all this as a “war” against disease, that’s not going to help anyone. Just make sure they understand this is an important precautionary measure and later on down the line it will be easier for them to learn how to treat any kind of sickness when it comes up.
Find Friends And Family To Talk To
If you live in a small town or are concerned about the possibility of a pandemic, you’re probably going to want to rely on your local emergency management agency for information. This is not optional because you are assuming the risk that if this does come up, they will be able to get you more information. For example, in 2009 the CDC announced that the experimental H1N1 vaccine could not be used; however, it was quickly taken off the market and they stopped distributing it because people started self-immunizing and creating their own vaccines.
What this means is that if you want to find out how you can prepare your family for a pandemic, you need to go to someone who works at the local emergency management office. They can provide information about how to use it, what the risks are and extra resources they have for different diseases. The same goes for your town’s pharmacist, local emergency management office and your school nurse.
Be Prepared To Receive Info
This is easier said than done when you are out in the world, but it is a great way to insulate your family from the news. There will be lots of reporters who will be approaching you for information and if you can be sure they hear from all of your friends and family that this isn’t something you need to worry about, they won’t need to call all those sources back and get this information second-hand.
If you’re still concerned that getting info from people who aren’t on your side will make your family more inclined to believe what someone else says, just send them some basic emergency preparedness tips. These will be things that you and your family can learn about, test out and use to feel more prepared. Over time you can cultivate a network of people who will provide you with information and have your back if the time comes.
Who Are You Preparing For?

It’s not a matter of “if” there is a pandemic, but “when.” So if you wonder how to prepare for the pandemic, start by thinking of the people in your life that are most important to you. What needs do they have that you can prepare for? What will help them get through a pandemic?
You don’t have to go crazy with trying to prep for an intense viral outbreak, but you do need to make sure you are at least trying. Because when it comes down to it, knowing how to survive a pandemic is better than just hoping for the best.