Marriage is a step towards new lifw . There is a tradition going on from years and years that people getting married should live together with no matter what happens between them. Some marriages are only for the sake of their families, clueless, sexless, and emotionless and this is the parenting marriage which your families brought up for you. Parenting marriage is a concept or a union in which two people decide to share their lives being together helping each other financially, practically but only for their children to provide them a better growth and a healthy life? Co-parenting is a task basically, the two people decided not to interfere in each other’s personal life else the life they are sharing for their children.
There are things that you should know you do and don’t when you are in such a relationship.
1. This is one of those crucial steps that you are ready for a parenting marriage. Because you accept your partner the way they are because you are not getting together for you both. You are doing this as a team for your children to give them what they want from parents.
2. You better tell your children about this. Because acceptance is a great thing and your children have all the right to know about the things happening around because in this way they will also learn to be honest and confident about the choices they make for themselves and you shouldn’t leave then in the situation where they start to feel that something is going wrong between their parents and are unable to figure it out.
3. You and your partner have to set the limits and the expectations that you both want from each other. Because the main and foremost purpose of your parenting marriage is to give your children the best healthy and happy life that you can do for them. So you better make plans for their upbringing and look after all the things like health insurance, financially how you can secure everything for all of us, the thing practically and so on.
Read More: Parenting After Separation- How Should You Manage?