Looking forward to becoming a pet parent? Before you adopt or foster, here are basic pet vaccinations you need to know about to keep your pet healthy. Small puppies carry immunity against most diseases from their mother’s blood. However, as time passes, this immunity wears off. Just like human babies, you must vaccinate puppies and adopted pets as soon as you take them in. The antigens in vaccines will help immunize against the various diseases.
A vaccine is a biological substance or preparation that provides active acquired immunity to a disease. It stimulates the production of antibodies and provides immunity against diseases. A vaccine is prepared from an agent that resembles a disease-causing microorganism. It is often made from weakened or killed forms of the microbe or its toxins, or one of its surface proteins.
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Vaccination For Kittens And Cats:
Infectious diseases such as Feline Infectious Enteritis (panleukopenia), Feline Calicivirus (FCV) and Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis (FVR) have been a cause of illness in cats. FVRCP* – Feline viral rhinotracheitis, calicivirus and panleukopenia, Rabies, FeLV – Feline Leukemia and FIP – Feline infectious peritonitis are the vaccines needed for cats. Once your kitten has had all her shots, you’ll know that she will have the best possible protection. Remember, kittens should not be permitted to come into contact with stray cats until they have completed their course of vaccinations.

Vaccine Schedule For Kittens/Cats
6-10 Weeks Old: FVRCP (feline distemper)
11-14 Weeks Old: FVRCP (feline distemper), FeLV (feline leukemia)
15+ Weeks Old: FVRCP (feline distemper), FeLV (feline leukemia), rabies vaccine
Adult Cat Vaccinations
Vaccines are given to the cat a year after the end of the kitten series. Combination of Vaccines such as FVRCP for feline distemper, FeLV for felines at risk of exposure to feline leukemia virus (cats that are unsupervised outdoors), and rabies are given annually as required.

Basic Vaccines For Dogs:
Canine distemper
It is a serious disease that affects the respiratory system, digestive system and nervous system. Canine distemper is the most contagious disease and can cause death. This is an important vaccination for dogs. It might require booster shots as prescribed by your vet.

It is a viral disease that affects the nervous system of the dog. Rabies is contagious. It may cause fever, seizures, paralysis, hydrophobia and death. Puppies need an initial vaccination at the age of three months. This may also require booster shots and regular re-vaccination as prescribed by the vet.

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It is a contagious disease that spreads via direct or indirect contact with an infected dog’s feces. The symptoms include severe vomiting and diarrhea which may cause death. In India, this is one of the most important vaccinations for pet dogs.

Canine Hepatitis
Canine hepatitis is an infectious disease that affects the liver. The virus causes weakness, loss of appetite, vomiting and diarrhea. It can develop quickly and can be fatal for puppies.

It is a bacterial disease transmitted by rodents. It affects the functioning of the liver and kidneys of dogs. Consult the vet and administer the Lepto vaccine based on the dog’s lifestyle and risk factors.

Corona Viral Enteritis
Canine corona virus is contagious that attacks the intestinal tract of the dogs causing fever, vomiting and loss of appetite. Consult the vet for the vaccination schedule.

It is important to ensure that a deworming schedule is adhered to for preventing harmful parasites from affecting your pet. As these pests are allowed to grow, there will be a lot of health complications. Intestinal worms primarily affect dogs and puppies. This can cause loss of appetite, vomiting and diarrhea. Untreated worm infestations can be dangerous for puppies and dogs. Routine deworming according to the schedule prescribed by the vet will ensure your dog stays healthy in the long run.

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A respiratory illness spread usually by contact with other dogs. The vet may recommend the Parainfluenza vaccine depending on the dog’s lifestyle and history. The booster shots and re-vaccination might be required.

Adenovirus Type 2
This virus causes the infection commonly known as “kennel cough” in dogs. It is extremely contagious and is characterized by a hacking cough and a foamy white discharge.

Bordetella is a bacteria that can cause kennel cough. The vaccines are available to help prevent it.

Lyme Disease
Lyme disease is one of many diseases that are transmitted by ticks. The vaccine is recommended according to the lifestyle and travel plans of the pet.