Many women live in an abusive relationship, while silently enduring everything. But at times the result of their silence is so deadly that it becomes difficult to compensate. Many times in an attempt to save their home and children. Future goes bad
Reason of abusive relationship
There are many reasons for an abusive relationship. How the childhood of both the abuser and the abuser is spent, it also affects their behavior.

- When women see their mother beating or abusing their father in childhood, then they feel that this is normal. In such a situation, when she is a victim of this, then she does not find anything wrong in it and she goes through it silently. They do not understand that they are in an abusive relationship.
- Similarly, boys who see their father beating their mother in childhood, do not respect women. They feel that it is their right to beat the wife.
- In many homes even today, pressing the feet of the husband, pressing the mother-in-law’s foot is considered a woman’s religion. Similarly, beating and beating the wife or daughter-in-law is also considered a right.
- Women seek the image of their father in their husbands. In such a situation, if the father of a woman used to beat or abuse his mother, then it is a normal thing to beat him at the hands of the husband.
- Men also seek the image of their mother in the wife, so they too like the woman like their mother and they treat their wife the same way their father used to treat their mother.
- Most of the women are financially and emotionally attached to the male, so they tolerate every man’s excess.
- Many women tolerate the husband’s harassment so that the future of their children is not spoiled due to the breakdown of the relationship. She is afraid to get out of her comfort zone. She agrees that her husband is like this and now she has to spend the life ahead.
- The pressure of family, relatives, and society also forces women to remain in an abusive relationship.
- Many women, while being more capable than their husbands, live in an abusive relationship even after earning more than them. They feel that if the house is running properly due to their slight tolerance, then it does not matter. Even if the husband slaps them in front of everyone, she is unable to do anything.
- Many women even say that what happens if the husband kills them, he also loves them. They feel that if the husband loves them, he also has the right to beat the wife.
- Many women are also victims of mental abuse like physical abuse. Mental abuse is found more in educated and polished people and cases of mental abuse are more dangerous because there are no signs of torture, but the injury is very high.
- If a man’s wife is more capable than him, then he takes recourse to mental abuse. He reduces his confidence by pleading or mocking his wife in front of everyone. It is very fatal for a woman’s self-confidence and self-respect for her to declare that she is unfit.
- If the wife does not get ahead of the husband, many men stop their wives from working. In his defense, he argues to his wife that women do not work in our house or what do you need to work.
- Women exaggerate about the achievement of the husband, but many men do not do so. He starts getting jealous of his wife’s success and he starts to let the wife talk.
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How to overcome from Abusive relationship?

- To overcome an abusive relationship, a woman must first know that what she is tolerating is abusive behavior.
- If your husband harasses you, talk to your husband in peace about it. Explain to them lovingly that their behavior reduces your self-confidence and also increases the tension in your relationship.
- Parents should always keep in mind that their behavior should be a role model for their children. Papa can kill and mummy can kill if all these children see in their house, then later they behave the same way. Therefore, never quarrel in front of children. Everyone in the house should respect each other so that children also learn the same from you.
- Teach your son to respect women.
- Mentally and physically strengthen your daughter. Teach the daughter that it is not right to quietly kill or endure harassment.
- Teach your children that no one can torture anyone physically or mentally, whether they are male or female.