History is a witness to the fact that beauty is always competing in society. To show it to get it and to feel perfect in itself. These days women are facing a problem like big and saggy breasts. It does not look ugly, but the woman’s suffering is also haunted. Some women want to wear beautiful clothes and shirts, but they have trouble doing so because their breasts are not in the right shape. Many times, due to having excessively large breasts, women do not get the right fit.
In such a situation, many women want to reduce their breast size but she is unable to do so due. Some women even retreat thinking that it is very expensive to reduce breast size by operating. But she does not know that the breast size can be reduced naturally. Yes, today we will know the tips to reduce your breast naturally which are very easy and effective too.
Regular exercise

Breasts consist of several fatty tissues, by reducing which women can reduce the size of their breast. For this, it is to exercise properly. Breast size can be reduced by reducing body fat. To do this, running, cycling, climbing up and down stairs burns calories. Apart from this, the benefits of exercising regularly like push-up exercises, jogging, and chest fly are effective, but remember to wear a sports bra whenever you exercise. Because as we move, breasts also move in the same way, so exercising without proper support can cause pain in the breasts. Its ligament can also be damaged and the skin may become loose.
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You can use yoga to reduce the size of your best. For this, a do regular Half wheel (Ardha Chakrasana) posture, it proves extremely helpful.
Egg Whites

Egg white is also helpful in reducing breast size. It makes your breasts firm and helps in shrinking the breasts by tightening the part of the chest.
Make a paste by whipping an egg white and apply this paste under your breasts and leave it for half an hour. After half an hour, take onion juice in a glass and wash the egg white area. Using this process daily for a few weeks can reduce your breast.
Green tea

Green tea is very beneficial in weight loss and it can also be used to reduce the size of breasts. Green tea contains catechins which reduce body calories and reduce body fat and reduce your weight. Green tea also significantly reduces the risk of breast cancer. Mix 1 teaspoon of green tea leaves in a cup of warm water and keep it covered for a few minutes and then filtering this mixture and adding some honey to it, taking 3 to 4 cups of green tea every day for a few months will make a difference.
Also Read: Reason Why Breasts Change With Age

Massage is an effective way to lose weight and it can reduce the size of your breasts too. While massaging the breasts, apply warm olive oil or coconut oil to the breasts by giving equal time to both the breasts, and for this process, using your middle finger and ring finger on your breasts, go round and up. Massage for about 10 minutes. By doing this procedure regularly for at least 3 months, 2 times a day every day, the size of the breasts will start to show a difference.