Yoga is a centuries-old practice that helps to lose weight, builds muscles and improves flexibility. It helps you burn fat without breaking into a sweat. It is derived from the Sanskrit word “yug” which refers to the union of individual consciousness and the universal consciousness. Yoga focuses on the mind, body, and soul. For centuries yoga has been the secret to the overall wellbeing of the body and mind. It aims at cleansing, rejuvenating the body externally and internally.
In our fast track lives, yoga brings a sense of peace and quiet and also helps to lose weight.
Here are some asanas that help in weight loss:
- Surya Namaskar
Surya Namaskar or salutation to the sun comprises of 12 yoga asanas that focus on different parts of the body. It comprises of the basic prayer pose, the forward bend, and bhujangasana (cobra pose). The Surya Namaskar strengthens the skeletal system, ligaments and eases any form of stress and anxiety.
- Trikonasana or the triangular pose
Take a wide-legged stance and slowly turn your right foot out. Slowly stretch your arms out, pushing the right side of your waistline over your right leg and slowly go down, facing downwards with a flat back. Keep your right palm on the ground (you can choose to keep it in front of your right foot or behind it) or on a block with your left arm stretched upwards. Repeat the other side.
- Veerbhadrasana or the warrior pose
Go to the mountain pose and follow it by stretching one of your legs back and with the other leg go into a lunge like position with your knee bent at ninety degrees and your hands stretched right above your head.
- Purvottanasana or the upward plank
This asana is great for your back, shoulders, arms, spine, and wrist. It is great for the respiratory system and fortifies your muscles while improving the core strength of your body.
- The boat pose
This is one of the most effective yoga asanas. Lie down on your back and go to a V position. Try holding for 10 seconds to start with and slowly increase. This is a sure shot asana to get your belly fat burning.
Yoga is one of the easiest yet difficult way to work your body. If done correctly yoga can help in weight loss.
Read More: Thinking Of Joining Yoga With Your Partner? Try These Yoga Poses