Lady Taurus is represented by a bull. Which signifies her strengths and potential. Though having a strong and negative sign this female is very soft at the core of her heart. The earth sign makes her cool and smart and benevolent. Still when she gets angry everything turns around hell for the person responsible. Libra is represented by scales which is an only inanimate sign used for representation. The sign describes the qualities of the Libran male in perfect balance. This man is very loving as ruled by the planet Venus. The female Taurus is also ruled by the voters of love, Venus. This makes them a very loving compatible couple.
The compatibility of this couple lies in Earth and Air signs respectively. The Air is free creating a zodiac sign which expects no restrictions from his partner. Libran male is very local to his life partner but could not stop himself from gaming the attention of other ladies. The times when he is single he can immediately attract a woman towards him. This is how lady Taurus gets attracted to him. But as she never takes any step in a hurry his flirtatious nature put their future chances of getting into a relationship in trouble.
Staying at the backfoot lady Taurus observes his conduct towards her and other ladies than only she makes any decision. This quality of Taurus woman many times save her from taking wrong decisions in her life. But anyhow male Libra tries to convince the lady he loves that she is the only woman in his life. The best quality of this man is, once he gets himself committed to someone there is a sudden change witnessed in her persona. His flirting gets contracted to the only single lady that he is in a relationship with. That gesture of Libra man is appreciated by lady Taurus and she can decide to step forward with me. And they stay together as a happy and faithful couple.
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