Menopause is an inevitable condition of a female body after a certain age. But sometimes, it occurs a bit earlier than the usual stage and causes several other health issues. Premature menopause can happen for various reasons, but smoking is considered one of the commonest causes among them. Today, we will conduct you how smoking can affect the process of early menopause and show you some tricks to get rid of this bad habit too in our discussion below- Smoking Can Cause Early Menopause

What are the Triggers of Early Menopause?
Early menopause is measured as a premature ovarian failure in a woman’s body. This can happen for various reasons, but some of the typical causes, which trigger early menopause in a female body, are as follows-
- Having surgery on ovaries or uterus
- Going through chemotherapy or radiation treatment
- Having a family history of premature menopause
- Having an infectious illness like mumps
- Having some chronic diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, Turner’s syndrome, etc.
- Having fetal diseases like cancer, HIV positive, AIDS, etc.
- And being a chain smoker for long
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Are Smoking and Menopause Related?
Several research reports on smoking have proven that regular tobacco smoking can affect a female body more destructively than a male body. According to the medical analysis, an excessive amount of tobacco smoking can lead to infertility in a woman.
Depending on the medical reports, women, who began smoking at younger ages, went through premature menopause or at least a few years earlier menopause than the ladies, who never inhale nicotine. According to those reports, smoker women approximately went through the problem of early menopause with an average of 13 months to 2 years of normal women.
So, we can say this apparently that smoking and menopause are related, or rather say inseparable when it comes to the matter of a female body. Believing in a survey conducted in the US, women with a record of smoking 100 cigarettes or more have a 25% greater risk of going through menopause and infertility after a certain period.
How Smoking Can Cause Early Menopause?
According to the medical explanation,
- Toxins we consume through tobacco smoking, hamper the hormone emission
- Insufficiency in the production of hormones can disturb the fertility cycle in a female body
- Gradually these toxins will damage the production of egg cells
- They also reduce the circulating process of estrogen, an essential hormone in the menstrual cycle
- Eventually, consistent smoking habits restrict the procedure of preparing a womb for conceiving
- And will hurt the embryo prior to it gets entrenched in the wall of the uterus

This is how smoking can influence early menopause and bring infertility to a woman’s body over time.
Some studies also claim that continuous cigarette smoking even worsens the symptoms of early menopause along with making it certain. Health experts claim that chain-smoker ladies may have hot flashes more intensely than women who don’t smoke.
What are the Other Disadvantages of Smoking in Women?
Women may have more than one or two side effects on their health when being a regular smoker. Some of the common health issues they face in this regard are-
ALso, read: Premenstrual Syndrome(PMS): Explained.
- Irregular period
- Heavy crump during periods
- Infertility
- Problem in conceiving
- Preterm delivery
- Stillbirth
- Giving birth to an underweight baby
- Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
- Increased possibility of lung cancer
- Greater risk of stroke
- Have facial wrinkles
- Prone to have gum problems and dental decay
- And lead to depression after a certain period of regular smoking
How to Quit Smoking to Avoid Premature Menopause?
There is nothing more applauding than deciding to quit smoking if you want to extirpate the possibility of early menopause from every side. If you smoke nicotine for a few whiles, then it won’t be easy to give up smoking as easily as nicotine is addictive and one needs high willpower to quit it permanently. Here are some smart initiatives you may follow to give up smoking without much difficulty-

- First of all, be certain that you really want to give up smoking permanently and won’t be weak in the middle of your way
- Remember how smoking is hampering your life, health, and relation with near ones
- Consult a doctor and know about the side effects of nicotine extraction side effects
- Make yourself ready to face those consequences and then take your first step to quit smoking
- Try to do it gradually without giving up all at once, as in, reduce the use of cigarette every day, then take it after one day gap, and then stop entirely
- Keep in mind that quitting smoking can give you problem-free period and increased chances of conceive
- Take counseling help from an expert to keep your determination unbreakable, no matter how tough it is
- Practices yoga and meditation daily, as they keep us on track and help in focusing on our goals more sharply
- Be ready to combat the signs of cravings at the timing of smoking and eat something healthy at that time
- A the time of smoking, your mouth needs something to chew or munch, give it an alternative, and quitting smoking would be easier for you
- Stay away from a cigarette when you are planning for quitting smoking and wash every single thing of your house that provides odor of tobacco
- Be ready to avoid the greed of smoking and try to get support from others if possible
- As in, learn to say no when a friend offers you a cigarette and take help from another family member or friend, who will support you in this gesture
- And take proper medications, which aid us in quitting smoking more efficiently. Bupropion, Chantix, etc. are some recommended medications you should try in this attempt.
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