Stress is like a tax. We don’t like to pay but we still do. Everyone is dealing with some kind or the other. Usually, when people are stressed they end up into something doing really stupid. Instead when you are stressed then look for a way out. Everyone has their own ways to deal with it some cry, some punch or some just ignore ( which I think no one should do). Anyway here are some ways you can deal with your stress instead of ending up in the situation that would cause more of it.
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1. Try Relaxing
When you are stressed out instead of panicking just calm yourself and try relaxing. For relaxing you can try deep breathing or try punching ( if your bones are weak then go for deep breathing)
2. Try Singing Your Favorite Song

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Something you love would always make you feel happy. Singing your favorite song would bring a smile to your face and would release some kind of positivity.
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3. Sleep
If you can’t find anything just doze off. This would definitely keep you out of trouble.
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4. Talk
Talking is the best way to let things out. So whoever pops up in your head dial them up and speak whatever comes up.
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5. Scream
If you can’t call up someone because you feel that this would make you feel weak then try screaming. Go on the roof or lock yourself in a room and scream. Keep on screaming until you feel better.
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6. Tell Yourself Golden Words
Stand in front of a mirror look yourself in the eye and say “I can handle this” or “I am strong”. When you stand in front of the mirror and motivate yourself it works because no one else can motivate you as much as you yourself can.
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Folks remember stressing over something would not help. It will only worsen up the situation and as a consequence, you mind end in a hospital dealing with the psychiatrist. So help yourself.