With Ganesh Chaturthi around the corner, have time to know the details of worshipping lord Ganesha in the right way. Although, we know Lord Ganesh blesses everyone around them. But, there are some tips that the Indian science of Vaastu offers us to get the maximum blessing with Lord Ganesha. Here are a few subtle changes to make to the home decor and some basic tips that can make this Ganesh Chaturthi more auspicious.
When you are looking for peace and prosperity, always place a white Ganesha idol at home. Those who are looking for self-growth should use a vermilion colored one according to Vaastu. If you are looking for a peaceful environment at home, the Ganesha in a sitting position is the ideal choice. An idol of Ganesha in the sitting position is known as the Lalitasana. A reclining Ganesha idol symbolizes luxury and comfort. If you desire those in life, then you should get a Ganpati in the reclining pose to add to the home decor.
When looking to incorporate Vaastu to home decor at Ganesh Chaturthi, then sitting Ganesha should have its trunk be tilted towards his left. This means happiness and success. Make sure you give attention to this detail. A trunk tilted towards its right is a little more difficult to please as it represents the power of the sun. And, you really need to worship it rigorously.
When you are changing the home decor as per the Vaastu, then make sure you keep in mind the direction. It is always advised to place the idol in the west, north and northeast directions. The idol should face the north as it is where Lord Shiva lives. It is considered very auspicious. Also, ensure that the idol’s back should face the main entrance or the exit of the home. Avoid placing the idol in the South. Never place the idol in the garage, laundry room, underneath staircases and bedroom.
And, lastly, avoid having more than one Ganesha in the house as it disrupts the energy. Over one ideal in the house upsets Ridhi Sidhi and just counteracts their energy.
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