It is critical to take care of one’s skin. Otherwise, skin problems develop. Women with oily or dry skin should take extra care of their skin. There are various sorts of skin care products on the market. However, utilising them on a regular basis provides very little advantage. In such a case, homemade items are frequently useful. Have you ever applied ice on your face and are you aware of its advantages?
Cucumber ice cubes can help you get rid of everything from greasy skin to puffiness. Cucumber has a lot of water, which keeps both the body and the skin hydrated. It also contains vitamin C, which is quite healthy for our skin. In this article, we are sharing how to make cucumber ice cubes and use them.
For oily skin:

Cucumbers are high in vitamin C and anti-oxidants, which are great for oily skin. As a result, you can use the cubes formed from it on your face.
Take 2 cups fresh cucumber juice and 1 cup pureed strawberries. To begin, grate the cucumber and remove the juice. Likewise, remove the juice from strawberries. After mixing, combine 2 cups cucumber juice and 1 cup strawberry puree in a mixing dish. Combine the two ingredients thoroughly. Fill an ice cube tray halfway with this mixture. Then place it in the refrigerator for 4-5 hours to solidify.
How to apply it on the face?
First, wash your face with warm water. Then, for 3-4 minutes, massage an ice cube on your face in a circular motion. Use this ice cube to massage your face on a daily basis. You will notice that the production of oil on your face has decreased after using this.
For dry skin

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Aloe vera keeps the skin of the face hydrated. As a result, aloe vera is a gods end for those who suffer from dry skin.
Take a cup of fresh cucumber juice along with a cup gel aloe Vera. To begin, squeeze the cucumber juice. To make ice cubes, you’ll need aloe vera gel. It is widely available in the market. You can also produce your own gel at home.
Simply combine 1 cup aloe vera gel with 1 cup cucumber juice. Combine the two ingredients thoroughly and place them in the ice cube pan.
How to apply?
First, cleanse your skin with a gentle face wash. Then, in circular strokes, massage the cube on your face. For at least 3-5 minutes, massage your face. Use this ice cube on a daily basis to combat dry skin.