Getting a tattoo in India is not an easy task, as it takes a lot to convince parents for a tattoo.In India, we are often instructed by our parents not to get tattoos. However, with changing times parents are getting progressive and now many of us are getting tattooed. But we often see some poor, dull or distorted tattoos due to improper care. In such a situation, today we are going to tell you about some tips that you follow to get the best results. These skincare tips are important to follow before and after getting a tattoo, they will help you have a comfortable tattoo experience.
Pre tattoo care:
- Make sure that you do not consume alcohol or caffeine for 48 hours before getting the tattoo done. Both substances act asa blood thinners. Thin blood implies more blood loss while getting a tattoo.
- A week before getting the tattoo done, make sure that you drink at least 3 litres of water daily and keep yourself hydrated. If your body remains hydrated, the skin becomes soft and supple. In such a situation, there is a possibility of less pain due to the pressure of the needle while getting the tattoo done.
- Go after having a full meal on the day you want to get the tattoo done. Eating less food can cause dizziness and lower sugar levels. Because of which it can cause more pain while getting it done.

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- Avoid taking any painkillers for 24 to 48 hours before getting tattooed. Such a pill also can thin the blood and ease bleeding. So unless necessary, it is best to avoid them before getting a tattoo.
- Keep in mind that you wear loose and dark coloured clothes when you go for a tattoo.
Post tattoo care
- Tattoos are an indentation in your skin and hence, are highly prone to infection. Make sure you keep it clean. Cover with a bandage or cling wrap after your tattoo artist has done it. After a few hours, wash off with anti-bacterial soap and water.
- Apply lotion, cream, oil or petroleum jelly on the advice of the tattoo artist. It only takes a few weeks for it to recover. Therefore, during this time the skin needs moisture and protection.
- Although the tattooed area needs cleaning, it should not be completely immersed in water. In such a situation, use a shower while taking a bath and you can cover it with a towel while taking a bath. However, if the tattoo artist advises you not to cover up while bathing, then follow the same thing.
- Wear comfortable clothes after getting the tattoo done. Sometimes the fabric rubs on the tattoo, which is cause skin problems.